01-Fundamentals Command Reference

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13-License management commands
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License management commands

display license

Use display license to display detailed license information.


display license [ activation-file ] [ slot slot-number ]


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activation-file: Displays license information about activation files. The device supports license installation only through activation files, so this command always displays license information about activation files whether you specify this keyword or not.

slot slot-number: Specifies the member ID of an IRF member device. If no member device is specified, this command displays license information for all IRF member devices.

Usage guidelines

The display license command displays detailed information about all licenses if it is used without the activation-file keyword.


# Display detailed information about all licenses.

<Sysname> display license

Slot 1:                                                                        


Feature: APMGR                                                                 

Product Description: Enhanced Access Controller License,128 APs,for Verticals,fo

r V7                                                                           

Registered at: 2013-01-01 09:26:52                                             

License Type: Trial (days restricted)                                          

Trial Time Left (days): 30                                                     

Current State: In use

Table 1 Command output




Feature name.

Product Description

License description.

Registered at

Time when the license was installed.

License Type

License type by validity period:

·     NA—The system cannot obtain the license type.

·     Permanent—Purchased license that never expires and is always valid.

·     Trial (days restricted)—Free trial license that is valid for a period of days.

Trial Time Left (days)

Remaining days of the trial period. This field is available for a trial license.

Current State

State of the license:

·     In use—The license is being used.

·     Usable—The license is available for use. If multiple days-restricted licenses for one feature are installed, only one license is in In use state and the rest licenses are in Usable state.

·     Expired—The license has expired.

·     Uninstalled—The license has been uninstalled.

·     Unusable—The license cannot be used.

·     Invalid—The license is invalid and cannot be used.

Uninstall Key

This field is available for licenses that have been uninstalled.

When you uninstall an activation file, an Uninstall file that contains an Uninstall key is created.

Uninstall Date

Date when the activation file was uninstalled.


display license device-id

Use display license device-id to display SN and DID information.


display license device-id slot slot-number


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies the member ID of an IRF member device.

Usage guidelines

When you register a license for a device, you must provide its unique SN and DID.

The DID changes each time you use the license compress command to compress the license storage. Use the display license device-id command to identify the up-to-date DID each time you register licenses.

The DID can be generated as a .did file. Upload the file when you register the license with H3C License Management Platform.


# Display the SN and DID for the specified slot.

<Sysname> display license device-id slot 1

SN: 210235A045B05B0004350                                                       

Device ID: flash:/license/210235A045B05B0004350.did

display license feature

Use display license feature to display brief license information for features.


display license feature


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display brief feature license information.

<Sysname> display license feature

Slot 1:

Slot 1:                                                                        

Total: 64  Usage: 0                                                             

Feature                         Licensed        State                          

APMGR                           N               -  

Table 2 Command output




Total number of licenses that can be installed.


Number of licenses stored in the license storage.


Feature that must be licensed before being used.


Licensing state of the feature:

·     N—Not licensed.

·     Y—Licensed.


License type by purchasing state:

·     Formal—Purchased license.

·     Trial—Trial license.

If the feature is not licensed, this field displays a hyphen (-). To use the feature, you must install a valid license file.


license activation-file install

Use license activation-file install to install an activation file.


license activation-file install file-name slot slot-number


System view

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file-name: Specifies the file path, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters. The activation file must be valid and stored on the device.

slot slot-number: Specifies the member ID of an IRF member device.

Usage guidelines

To install a license activation file successfully, make sure the SN and DID used for registering the feature license matches the current SN and DID of the device.

Activation files are device locked. A licensed feature can run on an IRF member device even after the member device is moved from one IRF fabric to another IRF fabric.


# Install activation file 20130811.ak to the specified slot.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license activation-file install flash:/license/20130811.ak slot 1

This operation might take some time. Do not perform any other operations until the operation is completed or a failure message is displayed. Please wait...

Related commands

display license activation-file

display license device-id

license activation-file uninstall

license activation-file uninstall

Use license activation-file uninstall to uninstall an activation file.


license activation-file uninstall file-name slot slot-number


System view

Predefined user roles



file-name: Specifies the file path, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

slot slot-number: Specifies the member ID of an IRF member device.

Usage guidelines

Use this command to revoke an unexpired license if you want to transfer the license from one device to another.

When an activation file is uninstalled, the system creates an Uninstall file. Use this file together with the SN and DID of the transfer destination to register the license for the transfer destination.

A feature cannot run after you uninstall all of its activation files.

Trial licenses are not transferrable. When you uninstall the activation file of a trial license, no Uninstall file is created.


# Uninstall activation file flash:/license/20130811.ak from the specified slot.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license activation-file uninstall flash:/license/20130811.ak slot 1

This operation might take some time. Do not perform any other operations until the operation is completed or a failure message is displayed. Please wait...

Uninstall file: flash:/license/20130813.uak

Related commands

display license activation-file

license activation-file install

license compress

Use license compress to compress the license storage.


license compress slot slot-number


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies the member ID of an IRF member device.

Usage guidelines

Use this command if the free license storage (see the display license feature command) is not sufficient.

This command clears expired licenses and uninstalled licenses that are installed by using activation files.

If uninstalled licenses or expired licenses exist on the device, the compression operation will make the DID change. Before performing a compression, make sure all licenses registered with the old DID have been installed. You will be unable to install such licenses after the compression.

This command clears invalid licenses (expired licenses and uninstalled licenses) and Uninstall keys from the license storage area. Back up the Uninstall keys before you compress the license storage.


# Compress the license storage on the specified slot.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license compress slot 1

This command will delete all data relevant to uninstalled and expired keys/licenses, including Uninstall keys, and create a new device ID for activation keys/files. Make sure you have saved the Uninstall keys so you can apply for a new activation key/file for the unexpired licenses that were covered by the uninstalled activation keys/files.

Are you sure you want to continue? [Y/N]: Y

This operation might take some time. Do not perform any other operations until the operation is completed or a failure message is displayed. Please wait...

License client commands

License client is supported only in R6515P06 and later versions.

display license client

Use display license client to display the license client configuration and the obtained license information on the license client.


display license client


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display the license client configuration and the obtained license information on the license client.

<Sysname> display license client

Username: user      

Ciphertext password: ******

License server's IPv6 address: 2008::1, port: 2000

License server's IPv4 address:, port: 1000, vpn-instance: test

License client: Enabled, Registering, Miss sync count 0

Cache Size:

  License name: APMGR, cache size: 64

License Count: 1


ID: 34153395526cf65b09000000

License Name: APMGR

Licensed Count:32

License Description: H3C WLAN AP Management, 32 licenses

Current State: In use

Get Time: 2018-11-22 16:55:01

Table 3 Command output




Username for accessing the license server.

This field displays Not configured if no username is specified.

Ciphertext password

Password in encrypted form for accessing the license server.

This field displays Not configured if no password is specified.

License server's IPv4 address:, port: 1000, vpn-instance: test

IPv4 address, port number, and VPN instance of the license server.

License server's IPv6 address: 2008::1, port: 2000

IPv6 address and port number of the license server.

License server's IPv4/IPv6 address: Not configured, port: Not configured

IP address and port number of the license server.

This field displays Not configured if no IP address or port number of the license server is specified.

License client

Status of the license client:

·     Enabled.

·     Disabled.

·     Registering.

·     Registered.

Miss sync count

Number of packets for synchronization that are dropped by the license client.

Cache Size:

  License name: APMGR, cache size: 64

Name and size of the license cached on the license client.

License Count

Number of licenses cached on the license client.


Identification of the license allocated by the license server. The license server assigns an ID for each license request.

Licensed Count

Maximum number of licensed nodes in the license. For example, this field displays 32 for the license H3C WLAN AP Management, 32 licenses. The value 32 indicates that the license allows a maximum of 32 concurrent online APs.

For a feature license, this field always displays 1.

License description

Description of the license.

Current State

Current status of the license:

·     In use—The license is in use.

·     Unusable—The license is not in use.

·     Expired (will be reclaimed in n days)—The license is expired and will be reclaimed in n days.

Get Time

Time when the license was obtained from the license server.

display license client statistics

Use display license client statistics to display license statistics on the license client.


display license client statistics


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# Display license statistics on the license client.

<Sysname> display license client statistics

Name    Type       Total

APMGR   UINT32     64

Table 4 Command output




License name.


License data type:

·     UINT32—Quantity type.

·     BOOL—Boolean type. It defines whether the license client can use the feature.

·     STRING—String type. It defines whether the license client can use the feature with specific settings.


For a quantity type, this field displays total number of licenses.

For a Boolean or string type, this field displays total number of licensed users.

Related commands

display license client

license client config cache

Use license client config cache to configure license cache on the license client.

Use undo license client config cache to disable license cache.


license client config cache license-name license-name size cache-size

undo license client config cache license-name license-name


License cache is not configured. No license can be cached on the license client.


System view

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license-name: Specifies a license by its license name. Only string APMGR is supported. Make sure the string is in upper case and not abbreviated.

cache-size: Specifies the maximum number of licenses that can be cached.


# Configure the license client to accommodate a maximum of 64 APMGR licenses.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license client config cache license-name APMGR size 64

license client enable

Use license client enable to enable the license client.

Use undo license client enable to disable the license client.


license client enable

undo license client enable


License client is disabled, and it cannot get licenses from the license server.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Specify the IP address, username, and password of the license server before enabling license client. Otherwise, the configuration fails.

After you enable the license client, the device automatically initiates a connection to the license server. The license server verifies the device identity through the username and password. If they are consistent with those specified on the license server, the device passes authentication. Then the device can apply for licenses from the license server and use the licensed features.


# Enable the license client.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license client enable

Related commands

license client username

license server

license client username

Use license client username to specify the username and password on the license client for accessing the license server.

Use undo license client username to delete the username and password settings.


license client username username password { cipher | simple } password

undo license client username


No username or password is specified on the license client.


System view

Predefined user roles



username: Specify the username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

cipher: Specify a password in encrypted form.

simple: Specifies a password in plaintext form. For security purposes, the password specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.

password: Specifies the password. Its plaintext form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. Its encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 33 to 73 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can specify only one username and one password on the license client for accessing the license server.

If you execute the command multiple times before enabling the license client, the most recent configuration takes effect.

After the license client is enabled, you cannot modify the username or password. To modify the settings, disable the license client first.


# Specify test and 123456 as the username and password on the license client.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license client username test password simple 123456

Related commands

license client enable

license server

Use license server to specify the IP address and port number of the license server.

Use undo license server to delete the license server settings on the license client.


license server { ipv4 ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } port port-number [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

undo license server { ipv4 ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } port port-number [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]


No IP address or port number of the license server is specified.


System view

Predefined user roles



ipv4 ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the license server.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of the license server.

port-number: Specifies the port number of the license server, in the range of 1 to 65535.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies a VPN instance to which the license server belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the license server is on the public network, do not specify this option.

Usage guidelines

You can specify a maximum of four license servers on the license client. Each license server is uniquely identified by the combination of an IPv4 address and a port number.

When the upper limit is reached, you cannot specify new license servers unless you delete existing license server settings.

As a best practice, make sure only one license server is reachable. If multiple license servers are reachable, the license client selects the first license server with which the client establishes a connection.

After the license client is enabled, you cannot modify the license server settings on the client. To modify the settings, disable the license client first.


# Specify and 5555 as the IPv4 address and port number of the license server, respectively.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license server ipv4 port 5555

# Specify 3001::1 and 5555 as the IPv6 address and port number of the license server, respectively.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] license server ipv6 3001::1 port 5555

Related commands

license client enable

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