01-Fundamentals Command Reference

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05-File system management commands
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File system management commands



·     Before managing storage media, file systems, directories, and files, make sure you know the possible impact.

·     A file or directory whose name starts with a dot character (.) is a hidden file or directory. To prevent the system from hiding a file or directory, make sure the file or directory name does not start with a dot character.

·     Some system files and directories are hidden. For correct system operation and full functionality, do not modify or delete hidden files or directories.

File system names, directory names, and file names must be compliant with the naming conventions. For more information about the naming conventions and the methods for specifying the names, see file system management in Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

Before you use the copy, delete, fixdisk, format, gunzip, gzip, mkdir, move, rename, rmdir, or undelete command on a file system, make sure the file system is not write protected.

You cannot access a storage medium that is being partitioned, or a file system that is being formatted or repaired. To access the file system, wait for the ongoing operation to be completed and then use one of the following methods:

·     Use the absolute path to specify a file or directory. For example, use the dir flash:/ command to display the files and directories in the flash: file system.

·     Use the cd command to change the working directory to the root directory of the file system before accessing a file or directory in the file system. For example, to display the files and directories in the root directory of the flash: file system, perform the following tasks:

a.     Use the cd flash:/ command to change the working directory to the root directory of the file system.

b.     Execute the dir command.

The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.


Use cd to change the working directory.


cd { directory | .. }


User view

Predefined user roles



directory: Specifies the destination directory.

..: Specifies the parent directory. If the working directory is the root directory, an error message appears when you execute the cd .. command. No online help information is available for this keyword.


# Access the test directory after logging in to the device.

<Sysname> cd test

# Change to the parent directory.

<Sysname> cd ..


Use copy to copy a file.


In non-FIPS mode:

copy source-file { dest-file | dest-directory } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ source interface interface-type interface-number ]

In FIPS mode:

copy source-file { dest-file | dest-directory }


User view

Predefined user roles



source-file: Specifies the name or URL of the file to be copied in non-FIPS mode, and specifies the name of the file to be copied in FIPS mode. If the file resides on an FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server rather than on the device, specify the URL of the file. Whether a URL is case sensitive depends on the server.

dest-file: Specifies the name or URL for the destination file in non-FIPS mode, and specifies the name for the destination file in FIPS mode. To copy the source file to an FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server, specify a URL. Whether a URL is case sensitive depends on the server.

dest-directory: Specifies the destination directory or URL in non-FIPS mode, and specifies the destination directory in FIPS mode. To copy the source file to an FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server, specify a URL. The device copies the source file to the destination location and saves the file with its original file name. Whether a URL is case sensitive depends on the server.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the server belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

source interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface used to connect to the server. After you specify the source interface, the device uses the primary IP address of the source interface as the source IP address for outgoing packets. If you do not specify this option, the device uses the outgoing interface as the source interface.

Usage guidelines

In FIPS mode, the copy command can only copy a local file and save it locally.

In non-FIPS mode, you can use the copy command to perform the following tasks:

·     Copy a local file and save it locally.

·     Copy a local file and save it to an FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server.

·     Copy a file from an FTP, TFTP, or HTTP server and save it locally.

To specify a file or directory, use the following guidelines:



Name format


On the device

Use the file name guidelines in Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


On an FTP server

Enter the URL in the format of ftp://FTP username[:password]@server address[:port number]/file path[/file name].

The username and password must be the same as the username and password configured on the FTP server. If the server authenticates users only by the username, you are not required to enter the password.

For example, to use the username a and password 1 and specify the startup.cfg file in the authorized working directory on the FTP server, enter ftp://a:1@

On a TFTP server

Enter the URL in the format of tftp://server address[:port number]/file path[/file name].

For example, to specify the startup.cfg file in the working directory on TFTP server, enter the URL tftp://

On an HTTP server

Enter the URL in the format of http://[HTTP username[:password]@ ]server address[:port number]/filepath[/file name].

The username and password in the URL must be the same as the username and password configured on the server.

If only the username is required for authentication, you do not need to enter the password. If authentication is not required, you do not need to enter the username or password.

For example, the startup.cfg file is saved in the authorized directory on the HTTP server at The HTTP account username and password are a and 1, respectively. To copy the file, enter the URL http://a:1@ If authentication is not required, enter the URL

To specify an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ([ ]), for example, ftp://test:test@[2001::1]:21/test.cfg.


# Copy the test.cfg file in the current directory and save it to the current directory as testbackup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy test.cfg testbackup.cfg

Copy flash:/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg...Done.

# Copy the 1.cfg file from the flash: file system's test directory to the USB disk. Save the copy to the testbackup directory on the first partition as 1backup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy flash:/test/1.cfg usba0:/testbackup/1backup.cfg

Copy flash:/test/1.cfg to usba0:/testbackup/1backup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test/1.cfg to usba0:/testbackup/1backup.cfg...Done.

# Copy the test.cfg file in the current directory and save it to the root directory of a file system in a specific slot as testbackup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy test.cfg slot2#flash:/

Copy flash:/test.cfg to slot2#flash:/test.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test.cfg to slot2#flash:/test.cfg...Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on FTP server Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The FTP username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy ftp://user:private@ testbackup.cfg

Copy ftp://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file ftp://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the current directory. Save the copy to the working directory on FTP server as testbackup.cfg. The FTP username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy test.cfg ftp://user:private@

Copy flash:/test.cfg to ftp://user:private@ [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test.cfg to ftp://user:private@ Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on TFTP server Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy tftp:// testbackup.cfg

Copy tftp:// to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file tftp:// to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the current directory. Save the copy to the working directory on TFTP server as testbackup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy test.cfg tftp://

Copy flash:/test.cfg to tftp:// [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test.cfg to tftp:// Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on FTP server Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The FTP username is user. The password is private. The FTP server belongs to VPN instance vpn1.

<Sysname> copy ftp://user:private@ testbackup.cfg vpn-instance vpn1

Copy ftp://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file ftp://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on TFTP server Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The TFTP server belongs to VPN instance vpn1.

<Sysname> copy tftp:// testbackup.cfg vpn-instance vpn1

Copy tftp:// to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file tftp:// to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on FTP server 2001::1. Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The FTP username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy ftp://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg testbackup.cfg

Copy ftp://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file ftp://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the working directory on TFTP server 2001::1. Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg.

<Sysname> copy tftp://[2001::1]/test.cfg testbackup.cfg

Copy tftp://[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file tftp://[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the authorized directory on HTTP server Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The HTTP login username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy http://user:private@ testbackup.cfg

Copy http://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file http://user:private@ to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the current directory. Save the copy to the authorized directory on HTTP server as testbackup.cfg. The HTTP login username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy test.cfg http://user:private@

Copy flash:/test.cfg to http://user:private@ [Y/N]:y

Copying file flash:/test.cfg to http://user:private@ Done.

# Copy test.cfg from the authorized directory on HTTP server 2001::1. Save the copy to the local current directory as testbackup.cfg. The HTTP login username is user. The password is private.

<Sysname> copy http://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg testbackup.cfg

Copy http://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Copying file http://user:private@[2001::1]/test.cfg to flash:/testbackup.cfg... Done.


Use delete to delete a file.


delete [ /unreserved ] file


User view

Predefined user roles



/unreserved: Permanently deletes the specified file. If you do not specify this keyword, the command moves the file to the recycle bin.

file: Specifies the name of the file to be deleted. Asterisks (*) are acceptable as wildcards. For example, to remove files with the .txt extension in the current directory, enter delete *.txt.

Usage guidelines



The delete /unreserved file command deletes a file permanently. The file cannot be restored.


The delete file command (without /unreserved) moves a file to the recycle bin.

A file moved to the recycle bin can be restored by using the undelete command.

Do not use the delete command to delete files from the recycle bin. To delete files from the recycle bin, use the reset recycle-bin command.

If you delete two files that have the same name from different directories, both files are retained in the recycle bin. If you successively delete two files that have the same name from the same directory, only the most recently deleted file is retained in the recycle bin.


# Remove the 1.cfg file from the current directory.

<Sysname> delete 1.cfg

Delete flash:/1.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Deleting file flash:/1.cfg...Done.

# Permanently delete the 1.cfg file from the current directory.

<Sysname> delete /unreserved 1.cfg

The file cannot be restored. Delete flash:/1.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Deleting the file permanently will take a long time. Please wait...

Deleting file flash:/1.cfg...Done.

Related commands

reset recycle-bin



Use dir to display files or directories.


dir [ /all ] [ file | directory | /all-filesystems ]


User view

Predefined user roles



/all: Displays all files and directories in the current directory, visible or hidden. If you do not specify this option, only visible files and directories are displayed.

file: Displays a specific file. This argument can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, to display files with the .txt extension in the current directory, enter dir *.txt.

directory: Displays a specific directory.

/all-filesystems: Displays files and directories in the root directories of all file systems on the device.

Usage guidelines

If no option is specified, the command displays all visible files and directories in the current directory.

The directory name of the recycle bin is .trash. To display files in the recycle bin, use either of the following methods:

·     Execute the dir /all .trash command.

·     Execute the cd .trash command and then the dir command.

If multiple users perform file operations (for example, creating or deleting files or directories) at the same time, the output for this command might be incorrect.


# Display information about all files and directories in the current directory.

<Sysname> dir /all

Directory of flash:/


# Display files and directories in the root directories of all file systems on the device.

<Sysname> dir /all-filesystems

Directory of flash:/



Directory of usba0:/


Table 1 Command output



Directory of

Current directory.

0     -rwh      3144  Apr 26 2014 13:45:28   xx.xx

File or directory information:

·     0—File or directory number, which is automatically allocated by the system.

·     -rwh—Attributes of the file or directory. The first character is the directory indicator (d for directory and for file). The second character indicates whether the file or directory is readable (r for readable). The third character indicates whether the file or directory is writable (w for writable). The fourth character indicates whether the file or directory is hidden (h for hidden, - for visible). Modifying, renaming, or deleting hidden files might affect functions.

·     3144—File size in bytes. For a directory, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

·     Apr 26 2014 13:45:28—Last date and time when the file or directory was modified.

·     xx.xx—File or directory name.


Use execute to execute a batch file.


execute filename


System view

Predefined user roles



filename: Specifies the name of a batch file.

Usage guidelines

A batch file contains a set of commands. Executing a batch file executes the commands in the file one by one.

To execute a batch file on the device, create a batch file on a PC and load the batch file to the device.

As a best practice, try every command on the device to make sure the command line can be executed correctly before adding the command to a batch file. If a command is invalid or a condition for executing the command is not met, the command fails and the system continues to execute the next command.

When executing an interactive command in a batch file, the system uses the default inputs.


# Execute batch file test.bat.

<Sysname> fdisk usba: 3

[Sysname] execute test.bat


Use fdisk to partition a storage medium.


fdisk medium [ partition-number ]


User view

Predefined user roles



medium: Specifies the name of the storage medium to be partitioned.

partition-number: Specifies the number of partitions, in the range of 1 to 4. If you specify this argument, the storage medium is divided evenly into the specified number of partitions. To customize the sizes of partitions, do not provide this argument.

Usage guidelines

The flash memory cannot be partitioned. A partition cannot be partitioned.

Before partitioning a storage medium, perform the following tasks:

·     Back up the files in the storage medium. The partition operation clears all data on the medium.

·     Make sure no other users are accessing the medium.

·     Make sure the storage medium to be partitioned is not write protected. If the storage medium is write protected, the operation will fail, and you must remount or reinstall the storage medium to restore access to the storage medium.

After partitioning a storage medium, you must format the partitions to create the file systems before you can access the file systems.

The actual partition size and the specified partition size might have a difference of less than 5% of the storage medium's total size.

To change the sizes of partitions on a storage medium, partition the storage medium again and specify the required sizes for the partitions.

Before removing a partitioned storage medium, you must unmount all file systems on the storage medium.


# Divide the USB disk on the device evenly into three partitions.

<Sysname> fdisk usba: 3

Capacity of usba: : 256M bytes

usba: will be divided into the following partitions:

DeviceName      Capacity

usba0:            85MB

usba1:            85MB

usba2:            86MB

All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y

Partitioning usba:...Done.

# Divide the USB disk on the device into one partition.

<Sysname> fdisk usba:

The capacity of usba: : 256M bytes

Partition 1 (32MB~224MB, 256MB. Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):

// Press Enter or enter 256.

usba: will be divided into the following partition(s):

DeviceName    Capacity

usba0:          256MB

All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y

Partitioning usba:...Done.

# Divide the USB disk on the device into three partitions and specify the size for each partition.

<Sysname> fdisk usba:

The capacity of usba: : 256M bytes

Partition 1 (32MB~224MB, 256MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):128

// Enter 128 to set the size of the first partition to 128 MB.

Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):31

// Enter 31 to set the size of the second partition to 31 MB.

The partition size must be greater than or equal to 32MB.

Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):1000

// Enter 1000 to set the size of the second partition to 1000 MB.

The partition size must be less than or equal to 128MB.

Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):127

// Enter 127 to set the size of the second partition to 127 MB.

The remaining space is less than 32MB. Please enter the size of partition 2 again.

Partition 2 (32MB~96MB, 128MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):56

// Enter 56 to set the size of the second partition to 56 MB.

Partition 3 (32MB~40MB, 72MB, Press CTRL+C to quit or Enter to use all available space):

// Press Enter to assign the remaining space to the third partition.

usba: will be divided into the following partition(s):

DeviceName     Capacity

usba0:            128MB

usba1:            56MB

usba2:            72MB

All data on usba: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y

Partitioning usba:...Done.

file prompt

Use file prompt to set the operation mode for files and directories.

Use undo file prompt to restore the default.


file prompt { alert | quiet }

undo file prompt


The operation mode is alert. The system prompts for confirmation when you perform a destructive file or directory operation.


System view

Predefined user roles



alert: Prompts for confirmation when a destructive file or directory operation is being performed.

quiet: Gives no confirmation prompt for file or directory operations except the recycle bin emptying operation.

Usage guidelines

In quiet mode, the system does not prompt for confirmation when a user performs a file or directory operation except the recycle bin emptying operation. The alert mode provides an opportunity to cancel a disruptive operation.


# Set the file and directory operation mode to alert.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] file prompt alert


Use fixdisk to check a file system for damage and repair any damage.


fixdisk filesystem


User view

Predefined user roles



filesystem: Specifies the name of a file system.

Usage guidelines

Use this command to fix a file system when space in the file system cannot be used or released.

You can repair a file system only when no other users are accessing the file system.


# Repair file system flash:.

<Sysname> fixdisk flash:

Restoring flash: may take some time...

Restoring flash:...Done.


Use format to format a file system.


format filesystem


User view

Predefined user roles



filesystem: Specifies the name of a file system.

Usage guidelines



Formatting a file system permanently deletes all files and directories in the file system. You cannot restore the deleted files or directories. If a startup configuration file exists in the file system, back up the file if necessary.


The device requires that the file systems on hot swappable storage media be VFAT file systems. To use a file system of a different type on the device, you must use this command to format the file system.

You can format a file system only when no other users are accessing the file system.

A file system to be formatted cannot contain security log files. Only a user with the security-audit user role can delete security log files. For more information about the security-audit user role, see RBAC in Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


# Format file system flash:.

<Sysname> format flash:

All data on flash: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y

Formatting flash:... Done.

# Format the file system on the third partition of the USB disk.

<Sysname> format usba2:

All data on usba2: will be lost, continue? [Y/N]:y

Formatting usba2:... Done.


Use gunzip to decompress a file.


gunzip file


User view

Predefined user roles



file: Specifies the name of the file to be decompressed. This argument must use the .gz extension.

Usage guidelines

This command deletes the specified file after decompressing it.


# Decompress file system.bin.gz:

1.     Before decompressing the file, you can display files whose names start with the system. string.

<Sysname> dir system.*

Directory of flash:

   1 -rw-          20 Jun 14 2012 10:18:53   system.bin.gz



1048576 KB total (472840 KB free)

2.     Decompress the file system.bin.gz.

<Sysname> gunzip system.bin.gz

Decompressing file flash:/system.bin.gz..... Done.

3.     Verify the decompress operation.

<Sysname> dir system.*

Directory of flash:

   1 -rw-           0 May 30 2012 11:42:25   system.bin



1048576 KB total (472844 KB free)


Use gzip to compress a file.


gzip file


User view

Predefined user roles



file: Specifies the name of the file to be compressed.

Usage guidelines

This command saves the compressed file to the file.gz file and deletes the source file.


# Compress file system.bin:

1.     Before compressing the file, you can display files whose names start with the system. string.

<Sysname> dir system.*

Directory of flash:

   1 -rw-           0 May 30 2012 11:42:24   system.bin



1048576 KB total (472844 KB free)

2.     Compress the file system.bin.

<Sysname> gzip system.bin

Compressing file flash:/system.bin..... Done.

3.     Verify the compress operation.

<Sysname> dir system.*

Directory of flash:

   1 -rw-          20 Jun 14 2012 10:18:53   system.bin.gz



1048576 KB total (472840 KB free)


Use md5sum to use the MD5 algorithm to calculate the digest of a file.


md5sum file


User view

Predefined user roles




file: Specifies the name of a file.

Usage guidelines

You can use file digests to verify file integrity.


# Use the MD5 algorithm to calculate the digest of file system.bin.

<Sysname> md5sum system.bin

MD5 digest:



Use mkdir to create a directory.


mkdir directory


User view

Predefined user roles



directory: Specifies a directory.

Usage guidelines

The name of the directory to be created must be unique in the parent directory.

You can create a directory only in an existing directory. For example, to create the flash:/test/mytest directory, make sure the test directory already exists.


# Create the test directory in the current directory.

<Sysname> mkdir test

Creating directory flash:/test... Done.

# Create the test/subtest directory in the current directory.

<Sysname> mkdir test/subtest

Creating directory flash:/test/subtest... Done.


Use more to display the contents of a text file.


more file


User view

Predefined user roles



file: Specifies the name of a file.


# Display the contents of the test.txt file.

<Sysname> more test.txt

Have a nice day.

# Display the contents of the testcfg.cfg file.

<Sysname> more testcfg.cfg



 version 7.1.070, Release 1201


 sysname Sysname


vlan 2





Use mount to mount a file system.


mount filesystem


User view

Predefined user roles



filesystem: Specifies the name of a file system.

Usage guidelines

Generally, file systems on a hot-swappable storage medium are automatically mounted when the storage medium is connected to the device. If the system cannot recognize a file system, however, you must mount the file system before you can access it.

To avoid file system corruption, do not perform the following tasks while the system is mounting a file system:

·     Reboot, power cycle, or power off the device.

·     Install or remove storage media.

·     Perform a switchover.

To remove a hot-swappable storage medium from the device, you must first unmount all file systems on the storage medium. Removing a mounted hot-swappable storage medium might damage files on the storage medium or even the storage medium.


# Mount a file system on the USB disk.

<Sysname> mount usba0:

Related commands



Use move to move a file.


move source-file { dest-file | dest-directory }


User view

Predefined user roles



source-file: Specifies the name of the source file.

dest-file: Specifies the name of the destination file.

dest-directory: Specifies the name of the destination directory.

Usage guidelines

If you specify a destination directory, the system moves the source file to the specified directory without changing the file name.


# Move the flash:/test/sample.txt file to flash:/, and save it as 1.txt.

<Sysname> move test/sample.txt 1.txt

Move flash:/test/sample.txt to flash:/1.txt? [Y/N]:y

Moving file flash:/test/sample.txt to flash:/1.txt ...Done.

# Move the b.cfg file to the test2 directory.

<Sysname> move b.cfg test2

Move flash:/b.cfg to flash:/test2/b.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Moving file flash:/b.cfg to flash:/test2/b.cfg... Done.


Use pwd to display the working directory.




User view

Predefined user roles



# Display the working directory.

<Sysname> pwd



Use rename to rename a file or directory.


rename { source-file | source-directory } { dest-file | dest-directory }


User view

Predefined user roles



source-file: Specifies the name of the source file.

source-directory: Specifies the name of the source directory.

dest-file: Specifies the name of the destination file.

dest-directory: Specifies the name of the destination directory.

Usage guidelines

This command is not executed if the destination file or directory name is already used by an existing file or directory in the working directory.


# Rename the copy.cfg file as test.cfg.

<Sysname> rename copy.cfg test.cfg

Rename flash:/copy.cfg as flash:/test.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Renaming flash:/copy.cfg as flash:/test.cfg... Done.

reset recycle-bin

Use reset recycle-bin to delete files from the recycle bin.


reset recycle-bin [ /force ]


User view

Predefined user roles



/force: Deletes all files in the recycle bin without prompting for confirmation. If you do not specify this option, the command prompts you to confirm the deletion operation for each file.

Usage guidelines



The files in a recycle bin can be restored by using the undelete command. If you delete a file from the recycle bin, that file cannot be restored. Before you delete files from a recycle bin, make sure the files are no longer in use.


The delete file command only moves a file to the recycle bin. To permanently delete the file, use the reset recycle-bin command to delete the file from the recycle bin.


# Empty the recycle bin. (In this example there are two files in the recycle bin.)

<Sysname> reset recycle-bin

Clear flash:/a.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Clearing file flash:/a.cfg... Done.

Clear flash:/b.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Clearing file flash:/b.cfg... Done.

# Delete the b.cfg file from the recycle bin. (In this example there are two files in the recycle bin.)

<Sysname> reset recycle-bin

Clear flash:/a.cfg? [Y/N]:n

Clear flash:/b.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Clearing file flash:/b.cfg... Done.

Related commands



Use rmdir to delete a directory.


rmdir directory


User view

Predefined user roles



directory: Specifies a directory.

Usage guidelines



To delete a directory, you must first delete all files and subdirectories in the directory permanently or move them to the recycle bin. If you move them to the recycle bin, executing the rmdir command to delete the directory will delete them permanently. Before you use the rmdir command to delete a directory, you must make sure the directory and its files and subdirectories are no longer in use.



# Delete the subtest directory.

<Sysname>rmdir subtest/

Remove directory flash:/test/subtest and the files in the recycle-bin under this directory will be deleted permanently. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Removing directory flash:/test/subtest... Done.


Use sha256sum to use the SHA-256 algorithm to calculate the digest of a file.


sha256sum file


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file: Specifies the name of a file.

Usage guidelines

You can use file digests to verify file integrity.


# Use the SHA-256 algorithm to calculate the digest of file system.bin.

<Sysname> sha256sum system.bin

SHA256 digest:


tar create

Use tar create to archive files and directories.


tar create [ gz ] archive-file dest-file [ verbose ] source { source-file | source-directory }&<1-5>


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gz: Uses gzip to compress the files and directories before archiving them. If you do not specify this keyword, the command archives the files and directories without compressing them.

archive-file dest-file: Specifies the archive file name. If you specified the gz keyword, the extension of the archive file name must be .tar.gz. If you did not specify the gz keyword, the extension of the archive file name must be .tar.

verbose: Displays the names of the successfully archived files and directories. If you do not specify this keyword, the command does not display the names of the successfully archived files and directories.

source { source-file | source-directory }&<1-5>: Specifies the files and directories to be archived. The argument can be a space-separated list of up to five items. Each item can be a file or directory name. The files and directories must be in the current working directory.


# Archive the 1.cfg and 2.cfg files and the test directory to a.tar.

<Sysname> tar create archive-file a.tar source 1.cfg 2.cfg test

Creating archive flash:/a.tar Done.

# Compress and archive the 1.cfg and 2.cfg files and the test directory to b.tar.gz.

<Sysname> tar create gz archive-file b.tar.gz source 1.cfg 2.cfg test

Creating archive flash:/b.tar.gz Done.

# Compress and archive files and directories, and display the successfully archived files and directories.

<Sysname> tar create gz archive-file c.tar.gz verbose source 1.cfg 2.cfg test







Related commands

tar extract

tar list

tar extract

Use tar extract to extract files and directories.


tar extract archive-file file [ verbose ] [ screen | to directory ]


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archive-file file: Specifies the archive file name. The extension can be .tar or .tar.gz.

verbose: Displays the names of the successfully extracted files and directories.

screen: Displays the content of the extracted files and directories on the screen. The extracted files are not saved.

to directory: Saves the extracted files and directories to a different directory. The directory argument specifies the directory.

Usage guidelines



Before specifying the screen keyword for this command, use the tar list command to identify the types of the archived files. As a best practice, specify the keyword only if all archived files are text files. Displaying the content of an archived non-text file that contains terminal control characters might result in garbled characters and even cause the terminal unable to operate correctly. To use the terminal again, you must close the current connection and log in to the device again.


If you do not specify the screen keyword or the to directory option, the command saves the extracted files and directories to the working directory.

The command saves the extracted files and directories by using their original names. If a file or directory that has the same name as an extracted file or directory already exists in the destination directory, the file or directory is overwritten.


# Extract files and directories from archive file a.tar.

<Sysname> tar extract archive-file a.tar

Extracting archive flash:/a.tar Done.

# Extract files and directories from archive file a.tar, and display the names of the successfully extracted files and directories.

<Sysname> tar extract archive-file b.tar.gz verbose







# Extract files and directories from archive file a.tar, and display the content of the files on the screen.

<Sysname> tar extract archive-file c.tar.gz screen


 version 7.1.070, Release 1201


 sysname Sysname



Related commands

tar create

tar list

tar list

Use tar list to display the names of archived files and directories.


tar list archive-file file


User view

Predefined user roles



archive-file file: Specifies the archive file name. The extension can be .tar or .tar.gz.


# Display the names of archived files and directories.

<Sysname> tar list archive-file a.tar







Related commands

tar create

tar extract


Use umount to unmount a file system.


umount filesystem


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filesystem: Specifies the name of a file system.

Usage guidelines

File systems on a storage medium are automatically mounted when the storage medium is connected to the device. To remove a hot-swappable storage medium from the device, you must first unmount all file systems on the storage medium. Removing a mounted hot-swappable storage medium might damage files on the storage medium or even the storage medium.

You can unmount a file system only when no other users are accessing the file system.

To avoid file system corruption, do not perform the following tasks while the system is unmounting a file system:

·     Reboot, power cycle, or power off the device.

·     Install, remove, or access storage media.

·     Perform a switchover.


# Unmount a file system on a USB disk.

<Sysname> umount usba0:

Related commands



Use undelete to restore a file from the recycle bin.


undelete file


User view

Predefined user roles



file: Specifies the name of the file to be restored.

Usage guidelines

If a file with the same name already exists in the directory, the system prompts whether or not you want to overwrite the existing file. If you enter Y, the existing file is overwritten. If you enter N, the command is not executed.


# Restore the copy.cfg file, which was moved from the root directory of the flash: file system to the recycle bin.

<Sysname>undelete copy.cfg

Undelete flash:/copy.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Undeleting file flash:/copy.cfg... Done.

# Restore the startup.cfg file, which was moved from the flash:/seclog directory to the recycle bin.

·     Method 1:

<Sysname>undelete seclog/startup.cfg

Undelete flash:/seclog/startup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Undeleting file flash:/seclog/startup.cfg... Done.


·     Method 2:

<Sysname> cd seclog

<Sysname> undelete startup.cfg

Undelete flash:/seclog/startup.cfg? [Y/N]:y

Undeleting file flash:/seclog/startup.cfg... Done.


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