01-Fundamentals Command Reference

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06-Configuration file management commands
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Configuration file management commands

The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.

archive configuration

Use archive configuration to manually archive the running configuration to the configuration archive directory.


archive configuration


User view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command saves the running configuration to the specified configuration archive directory with file names generated from the specified name prefix.

Before executing this command, you must use one of the following methods to specify a directory and a name prefix for the configuration archives:

·     For local archiving, use the archive configuration location command to specify a local configuration archive directory and a name prefix.

·     For remote archiving, use the archive configuration server command to specify a configuration archive directory and a name prefix on a remote SCP server. In addition, you must use the archive configuration server user and archive configuration server password commands to configure a username and password for logging in to the server.

If you use the archive configuration location command to specify a local configuration archive directory, manual configuration archiving saves the running configuration only on the master device.


# Archive the running configuration.

<Sysname> archive configuration

Save the running configuration to an archive file. Continue? [Y/N]: Y

The running configuration was saved to myarchive_1.cfg.

Related commands

archive configuration interval

archive configuration location

archive configuration max

archive configuration server

archive configuration server password

archive configuration server user

display archive configuration

archive configuration interval

Use archive configuration interval to enable automatic running-configuration archiving and set the archiving interval.

Use undo archive configuration interval to disable automatic running-configuration archiving.


archive configuration interval interval

undo archive configuration interval


The automatic running-configuration archiving feature is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the interval for automatically saving the running configuration. The value range is 10 to 525600, in minutes.

Usage guidelines

Automatic configuration archiving enables the system to periodically save the running configuration to the archive directory. After the system finishes an automatic archive, it resets the archiving interval timer.

Before enabling automatic configuration archiving, you must use one of the following methods to specify a directory and a name prefix for the configuration archives:

·     For local archiving, use the archive configuration location command to specify a local configuration archive directory and a name prefix.

·     For remote archiving, use the archive configuration server command to specify a configuration archive directory and a name prefix on a remote SCP server. In addition, you must use the archive configuration server user and archive configuration server password commands to configure a username and password for logging in to the server.

If you use the archive configuration location command to specify a local configuration archive directory, automatic configuration archiving saves the running configuration only on the master device.


# Set the system to archive the running configuration every 60 minutes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration interval 60

Archive file will be saved every 60 minutes.

Related commands

archive configuration

archive configuration location

archive configuration max

archive configuration server

archive configuration server password

archive configuration server user

display archive configuration

archive configuration location

Use archive configuration location to specify a local directory and file name prefix for archiving the running configuration.

Use undo archive configuration location to restore the default.


archive configuration location directory filename-prefix filename-prefix

undo archive configuration location


No local directory or file name prefix is specified on the device for archiving the running configuration.


System view

Predefined user roles



directory: Specifies the archive directory, a string of 1 to 63 characters. The value for this argument must take the format of storage-medium-name:/folder-name. The directory must already exist on the master.

filename-prefix: Specifies a file name prefix for configuration archives, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 30 characters. Valid characters are letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

Usage guidelines

Before archiving the running configuration, either manually or automatically, you must specify a local or remote directory and file name prefix for configuration archives.

The local configuration archives on the device are named in the format of prefix_serial number.cfg, for example, archive_1.cfg and archive_2.cfg. The serial number is automatically assigned from 1 to 1000, increasing by 1. After the serial number reaches 1000, it restarts from 1.

If you change the file directory or file name prefix on the device, the following events occur:

·     The old configuration archives change to common configuration files.

·     The configuration archive counter is reset. The serial number for new configuration archives starts at 1.

·     The display archive configuration command no longer displays the old configuration archives.

The configuration archive counter does not restart when you delete configuration archives from the archive directory. However, if the device reboots after all configuration archives have been deleted, the configuration archive counter restarts. The serial number for new configuration archives starts at 1.

The undo archive configuration location command removes the local configuration archive directory and file name prefix settings. The command also performs the following operations:

·     Disables the configuration archive feature (both manual and automatic methods).

·     Restores the default settings of the archive configuration interval and archive configuration max commands.

·     Clears the configuration archive information displayed by using the display archive configuration command.


# Set the configuration archive directory as flash:/archive and the archive file name prefix as my_archive.

<Sysname> mkdir flash:/archive

Creating directory flash:/archive... Done.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration location flash:/archive filename-prefix my_archive

Related commands

archive configuration

archive configuration interval

archive configuration max

display archive configuration

archive configuration max

Use archive configuration max to set the maximum number of configuration archives that can be saved on the device.

Use undo archive configuration max to restore the default.


archive configuration max file-number

undo archive configuration max


The maximum number is 5.


System view

Predefined user roles



file-number: Specifies the maximum number of configuration archives that can be saved on the device. The value range is 1 to 10. Adjust the setting depending on the amount of storage space available.

Usage guidelines

Before you execute this command, use the archive configuration location command to specify a configuration archive directory and archive file name prefix on the device.

After the maximum number of configuration archives is reached, the system deletes the oldest archive for the new archive.

Changing the limit setting to a lower value does not cause immediate deletion of excess archives. Instead, the configuration archive feature deletes the oldest n files when a new archive is manually or automatically saved, where n = current archive count – new archive limit + 1. For example, seven configuration archives have been saved before the archive limit is set to four. When saving a new configuration archive, the system first deletes the oldest four (7 – 4 + 1) archives.

If you execute the undo archive configuration location command, the default archive limit is restored.


# Set the maximum number of configuration archives to 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration max 10

Related commands

archive configuration

archive configuration location

archive configuration interval

display archive configuration

archive configuration server

Use archive configuration server to configure the parameters for archiving the running configuration to a remote SCP server.

Use undo archive configuration server to restore the default.


archive configuration server scp { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ directory directory ] filename-prefix filename-prefix

undo archive configuration server


No parameters are set for archiving the running configuration to a remote SCP server.


System view

Predefined user roles



scp: Specifies a remote SCP server.

ipv4-address: Specifies the SCP server by its IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the SCP server by its IPv6 address.

port port-number: Specifies the TCP port number of the SCP server. The value range for the port-number argument is 1 to 65535, and the default port number is 22.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the SCP server is on the public network, do not specify this option.

directory directory: Specifies the archive directory, a case-insensitive string. If you do not specify this option, the archive directory is the root directory of the SCP server.

filename-prefix filename-prefix: Specifies a file name prefix for configuration archives, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 30 characters. Valid characters are letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

Usage guidelines



In FIPS mode, the device does not support archiving the running configuration to a remote SCP server.

Before archiving the running configuration to a remote SCP server, you must perform the following tasks:

·     Use this command to specify a configuration archive directory and a name prefix on the remote SCP server.

·     Use the archive configuration server user and archive configuration server password commands to configure a username and password for logging in to the server.

To manually archive the running configuration, use the archive configuration command. To periodically archive the running configuration, use the archive configuration interval command.

On the specified remote SCP server, configuration archives are named in the format of filename-prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.cfg, for example, archive_20170526_203430.cfg.

Local archiving (the archive configuration location command) and remote archiving (the archive configuration server command) are mutually exclusive. You cannot use the two features at the same time.

The maximum number of configuration archives on a remote SCP server depends on the SCP server setting and is not restricted by the archive configuration max command.

The undo archive configuration server command removes the configuration archive directory and file name prefix settings, but it does not delete the configuration archives saved on the server. The command also performs the following operations:

·     Disables the configuration archive feature (both manual and automatic methods).

·     Restores the default setting for the archive configuration interval command.

·     Clears the configuration archive information displayed by using the display archive configuration command.


# Set the configuration archive directory as archive/ on the SCP server at and set the archive file name prefix as my_archive.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration server scp port 22 directory /archive/ filename-prefix my_archive

Related commands

archive configuration

archive configuration interval

archive configuration location

archive configuration server password

archive configuration server user

display archive configuration

archive configuration server password

Use archive configuration server password to configure the password for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.

Use undo archive configuration server password to restore the default.


archive configuration server password { cipher | simple } string

undo archive configuration server password


No password is configured for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.


System view

Predefined user roles



cipher: Specifies a password in encrypted form.

simple: Specifies a password in plaintext form. For security purposes, the password specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.

string: Specifies the password. Its plaintext form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters. Its encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 33 to 117 characters.


# Set the password to admin in plaintext form for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration server password simple admin

Related commands

archive configuration server

archive configuration server user

display archive configuration

archive configuration server user

Use archive configuration server user to configure the username for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.

Use undo archive configuration server user to restore the default.


archive configuration server user user-name

undo archive configuration server user


No username is configured for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.


System view

Predefined user roles



user-name: Specifies the username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.


# Set the username to admin for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] archive configuration server user admin

Related commands

archive configuration server

archive configuration server password

display archive configuration

backup startup-configuration

Use backup startup-configuration to back up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server.


backup startup-configuration to { ipv4-server | ipv6 ipv6-server } [ dest-filename ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



ipv4-server: Specifies a TFTP server by its IPv4 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. Valid characters include letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.).

ipv6 ipv6-server: Specifies a TFTP server by its IPv6 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. Valid characters include letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.).

dest-filename: Specifies the name of the target file used for saving the file on the server. The file must be a .cfg file. The file name is a case-insensitive string of up to 255 characters. If you do not specify a target file name, the source file name is used.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the TFTP server is on the public network, do not specify this option.

Usage guidelines

This command is not supported in FIPS mode.


# Back up the main next-startup configuration file to the IPv4 TFTP server at in the public network, and set the target file name to 192-168-1-26.cfg.

<Sysname> backup startup-configuration to 192-168-1-26.cfg

Backing up the main startup configuration file to


# Back up the main next-startup configuration file to the IPv4 TFTP server at in MPLS L3VPN instance VPN1, and set the target file name to 192-168-1-26.cfg.

<Sysname> backup startup-configuration to 192-168-1-26.cfg vpn-instance VPN1

Backing up the main startup configuration file to in VPN VPN1...


# Back up the main next-startup configuration file to the IPv6 TFTP server at 2001::2 in the public network, and set the target file name to 192-168-1-26.cfg.

<Sysname> backup startup-configuration to ipv6 2001::2 192-168-1-26.cfg

Backing up the main startup configuration file to 2001::2...


Related commands

restore startup-configuration

configuration commit

Use configuration commit to commit the settings configured after the configuration commit delay timer was set.


configuration commit


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You must execute the configuration commit delay command to set the configuration delay timer before executing this command.

The settings you made during the commit delay interval are automatically removed if you have not manually committed them before the configuration commit delay timer expires.

As a best practice, configure the information center to output logs to the console. Use the logs to determine whether you want to commit the settings. For more information about the information center, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.


# Set the configuration commit delay timer to 10 minutes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] configuration commit delay 10

# Commit the settings configured after the configuration commit delay timer was set and before the delay timer expires.

[Sysname] configuration commit

Related commands

configuration commit delay

configuration commit delay

Use configuration commit delay to enable the configuration commit delay feature and start the configuration commit delay timer.


configuration commit delay delay-time


System view

Predefined user roles



delay-time: Sets the configuration commit delay interval. The value range is 1 to 65535 minutes.

Usage guidelines

The system creates a rollback point to record the configuration status when you execute this command to start the configuration commit delay timer. The settings you made during the commit delay interval takes effect immediately. However, these settings will be removed automatically if you have not manually committed them before the configuration commit delay timer expires. Then, the system returns to the configuration status when the commit delay timer started.

This feature prevents a misconfiguration from causing the inability to access the device and is especially useful when you configure the device remotely.

When you use this feature, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

·     In a multi-user context, make sure no one else is configuring the device.

·     To avoid unexpected errors, do not perform any operations during the configuration rollback.

·     You can reconfigure the configuration commit delay timer before it expires to shorten or extend the commit delay interval. However, the rollback point will not change.

·     The configuration commit delay feature is a one-time setting. The feature is disabled with the rollback point removed when the commit delay timer expires or after a manual commit operation is performed. To use this feature again, you must re-execute this command.


# Set the configuration commit delay timer to 10 minutes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] configuration commit delay 10

# Change the configuration commit delay timer to 60 minutes before the old delay timer expires.

[Sysname] configuration commit delay 60

The commit delay already set 10 minutes, overwrite it? [Y/N]:y

Related commands

configuration commit

configuration encrypt

Use configuration encrypt to enable configuration encryption.

Use undo configuration encrypt to disable configuration encryption.


configuration encrypt { private-key | public-key }

undo configuration encrypt


Configuration encryption is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



private-key: Encrypts configuration with a private key. All devices running Comware 7 software use the same private key.

public-key: Encrypts configuration with a public key. All devices running Comware 7 software use the same public key.

Usage guidelines

Configuration encryption enables the device to automatically encrypt a configuration file when saving the running configuration to the file.

Any devices running Comware 7 software can decrypt the encrypted configuration file. To prevent an encrypted file from being decoded by unauthorized users, make sure the file is accessible only to authorized users.


# Enable the public-key method for configuration encryption.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] configuration encrypt public-key

configuration replace file

Use configuration replace file to perform configuration rollback.


configuration replace file filename


System view

Predefined user roles



filename: Specifies the path of the replacement configuration file, a string of up to 255 characters. The file must be a .cfg file. The file and file path must be valid and on the local system.

Usage guidelines



This operation will cause settings not in the replacement configuration file to be lost, which might cause service interruption. When you perform configuration rollback, make sure you fully understand its impact on your network.


To replace the running configuration with the configuration in a configuration file without rebooting the device, use the configuration rollback feature. This feature helps you revert to a previous configuration state or adapt the running configuration to different network environments.

To ensure a successful rollback, follow these guidelines:

·     Make sure the replacement configuration file is created by using the configuration archive feature or the save command on the device.

·     If the configuration file is not created on the device, make sure the command lines in the configuration file are fully compatible with the device.

·     If the replacement configuration file is encrypted, make sure the device can decrypt it.


# Replace the running configuration with the configuration in the my_archive_1.cfg configuration file.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] configuration replace file my_archive_1.cfg

Current configuration will be lost, save current configuration? [Y/N]:n

Now replacing the current configuration. Please wait...

Succeeded in replacing current configuration with the file my_archive_1.cfg.

display archive configuration

Use display archive configuration to display configuration archive information.


display archive configuration


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display information about the configuration archives saved on the device.

<Sysname> display archive configuration

Location: flash:/archive

Filename prefix: my_archive

Archive interval in minutes: 120

Maximum number of archive files: 10

Archive history:

  No.  TimeStamp                FileName

  1    Aug 05 2007 20:24:54     my_archive_1.cfg

  2    Aug 05 2007 20:34:54     my_archive_2.cfg

# 3    Aug 05 2007 20:44:54     my_archive_3.cfg

The pound sign (#) indicates the most recent archive file.

Next archive file to be saved: my_archive_4.cfg

# Display information about the configuration archives saved on a remote SCP server.

<Sysname> display archive configuration

Username: test

Location: scp://

Filename prefix: my_archive

Archive interval in minutes: 120

Archive history:

 No.   TimeStamp                  FileName 

 1    Wed Dec 15 14:20:18 2010   my_archive_20170509_142018.cfg

!2    Wed Dec 15 14:33:10 2010   my_archive_20170509_143018.cfg

#!3    Wed Dec 15 14:49:37 2010   my_archive_20170509_144018.cfg

The exclamation mark (!) indicates that the remote archiving attempt failed.

The pound sign (#) indicates the most recent archive file.

Table 1 Command output




Username for logging in to the SCP server that saves configuration archives.


Absolute path of the directory for saving running-configuration archives.

Filename prefix

File name prefix for configuration archives.

Archive interval in minutes

Interval (in minutes) for the system to automatically archive the running configuration.

If automatic configuration saving is disabled, this field is not available.

Maximum number of archive files

Maximum number of configuration archives that can be saved on the device.

Archive history

History configuration archive information.


Number of a configuration archive.


Time when the configuration archive was created.


Related commands

archive configuration

archive configuration interval

archive configuration location

archive configuration max

archive configuration server

archive configuration server user

display current-configuration

Use display current-configuration to display the running configuration.


display current-configuration [ [ configuration [ module-name ] | exclude-provision | interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] ] | slot slot-number ] [ by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




configuration [ module-name ]: Displays the feature configuration. The module-name argument specifies a feature module. If you do not specify a feature module, the command displays all feature settings you have made.

exclude-provision: Excludes preprovisioned settings from the running configuration. This keyword is not supported in the current software version.

interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ]: Displays interface configuration, where the interface-type argument represents the interface type and the interface-number argument represents the interface number. If you do not specify the interface-type interface-number arguments, the command displays the running configuration for all interfaces. If you specify only the interface-type argument, the command displays the running configuration for all interfaces of this type.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify an IRF member device, this command displays the running configuration for all IRF member devices.

by-section: Displays the running configuration by section. Each section contains the configuration in a command view and two adjacent sections are separated by a pound sign (#). If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the running configuration by line.

begin: Displays the first configuration section that matches the specified regular expression and all subsequent configuration sections.

exclude: Displays all configuration sections not matching the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all configuration sections matching the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression to filter the configuration sections, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. A section matches the specified regular expression if it contains command lines that match the specified regular expression.




The by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression parameter is supported only in R6515P06 and later.


Usage guidelines

Use this command to verify the configuration you have made.

If the system has automatically changed the setting you have made for a parameter, this command displays the effective setting instead of the configured one. An automatic change typically occurs because of system restrictions. This command does not display parameters that are using the default settings.


# Display local user configuration.

<Sysname> display current-configuration configuration local-user


local-user ftp class manage

 password hash $h$6$D5A6pqcGpnZXxFUO$OJqnqffG7m1wTH3C6v+FBCjZZBzqgJjTZlbATl1dnKNlYwFMJcWDMbDn8HD1j4XzuKggDp2LrP40kGIOvQGYhQ==

 service-type ftp

 authorization-attribute user-role network-operator


local-user root class manage

 password hash $h$6$GcTZyXO04qmom21z$GjeAeDMjP/xtknMLf9NHUNIvebNYR3tkd5aWS6sKbkFh/ECFJZOjh2FVUI0GW7u44fNK6Ke7ANE7dhhAFcytUQ==

 service-type ssh telnet terminal

 authorization-attribute user-role network-admin



# Display VLAN interface configuration.

<Sysname> display current-configuration interface Vlan-interface


interface Vlan-interface1

 ip address 255.255.255



# Display the local user configuration.

<Sysname> display current-configuration by-section include local-user


local-user ftp

 password hash $h$6$GcTZyXO04qmom21z$GjeAeDMjP/xtknMLf9NHUNIvebNYR3tkd5aWS6sKbkFh/ECFJZOjh2FVUI0GW7u44fNK6Ke7ANE7dhhAFcytUQ==

 service-type ftp

 authorization-attribute user-role network-operator


local-user root

 password hash $h$6$D5A6pqcGpnZXxFUO$OJqnqffG7m1wTH3C6v+FBCjZZBzqgJjTZlbATl1dnKNlYwFMJcWDMbDn8HD1j4XzuKggDp2LrP40kGIOvQGYhQ==

 service-type ssh telnet terminal

 authorization-attribute user-role network-admin



display current-configuration diff

Use display current-configuration diff to display the differences that the running configuration has as compared with the next-startup configuration.


display current-configuration diff


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

This command searches for the next-startup configuration in the following order:

1.     The .cfg main next-startup configuration file.

2.     The .cfg backup next-startup configuration file if the .cfg main next-startup configuration file is unavailable.

If both configuration files are unavailable, the system displays a message indicating that no next-startup configuration files exist.


# Display the differences that the running configuration has as compared with the next-startup configuration.

<Sysname> display current-configuration diff

--- Startup configuration

+++ Current configuration

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


  sysname Sysname


-alias dhc display history-command

+alias dh display hotkey


  system-working-mode standard


Table 2 Command output



- - - A

+++ B

·     A represents the source configuration for comparison, which can be Startup configuration, Current configuration, or the name of the source configuration file with its directory information.

·     B represents the target configuration for comparison, which can be Current configuration, Startup configuration, or the name of the target configuration file with its directory information.

In this example, the startup configuration and the current configuration are the source and target, respectively.

@@ -linenumber1,number1 +linenumber2,number2 @@

Location information for identifying the command line differences:

·     -linenumber1,number1—Source configuration section that contains differences. The linenumber1 argument represents the start line of the section. The number1 argument represents the number of lines between the start line and the end line of the section.

·     +linenumber2,number2—Target configuration section that contains differences. The linenumber2 argument represents the start line of the section. The number2 argument represents the number of lines between the start line and the end line of the section.


- cmd2

+ cmd3


Displays command differences.

·     cmd1 and cmd4—Command lines are contained in both source and target configurations if they are not prefixed with a minus (-) or plus (+) sign. They provide a context for locating command line differences.

·     - cmd2—Command lines are prefixed with a minus sign if they are contained in the source configuration but not in the target configuration.

·     + cmd3—Command lines are prefixed with a plus sign if they are contained in the target configuration but not in the source configuration.

In this example, the sample output shows that the alias dhc display history-command command is contained only in the source configuration, and the alias dh display hotkey command is contained only in the target configuration.  


Related commands

display current-configuration

display diff

display saved-configuration

display default-configuration

Use display default-configuration to display the factory defaults.


display default-configuration


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

Factory defaults are custom basic settings that came with the device. Factory defaults vary by device models and might differ from the initial default settings for the commands.

The device starts up with the factory defaults if no next-startup configuration files are available.


# Display the factory defaults.

<Sysname> display default-configuration

display diff

Use display diff to display differences between configurations.


display diff configfile file-name-s { configfile file-name-d | current-configuration | startup-configuration }

display diff current-configuration { configfile file-name-d | startup-configuration }

display diff startup-configuration { configfile file-name-d | current-configuration }


Any view

Predefined user roles




configfile file-name-s: Specifies the source configuration file for comparison.

configfile file-name-d: Specifies the target configuration file for comparison.

current-configuration: Specifies the running configuration. In the display diff current-configuration command, this keyword specifies the source configuration for comparison. In the display diff configfile file-name-s and display diff startup-configuration commands, this keyword specifies the target configuration.

startup-configuration: Specifies the next-startup configuration. In the display diff startup-configuration command, this keyword specifies the source configuration for comparison. In the display diff configfile file-name-s and display diff current-configuration commands, this keyword specifies the target configuration.

Usage guidelines

If you specify the startup-configuration keyword, the system searches for the next-startup configuration in the following order:

1.     The .cfg main next-startup configuration file.

2.     The .cfg backup next-startup configuration file if the .cfg main next-startup configuration file is unavailable.

If both configuration files are unavailable, the system displays a message indicating that no next-startup configuration files exist.


# Display the differences between startup.cfg and test.cfg.

<Sysname> display diff configfile startup.cfg configfile test.cfg

--- flash:/startup.cfg

+++ flash:/test.cfg

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


  sysname Sysname


-alias dhc display history-command

+alias dh display hotkey


  system-working-mode standard


The output shows that the alias dhc display history-command command is contained only in startup.cfg, and the alias dh display hotkey command is contained only in test.cfg.

# Display the differences between the running configuration and the next-startup configuration.

<Sysname> display diff current-configuration startup-configuration

--- Current configuration

+++ Startup configuration

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@


  sysname Sysname


-alias dhc display history-command

+alias dh display hotkey


  system-working-mode standard


The output shows that the alias dhc display history-command command is contained only in the running configuration, and the alias dh display hotkey command is contained only in the next-startup configuration.

For the command output description, see Table 2.

Related commands

display current-configuration

display current-configuration diff

display saved-configuration

display saved-configuration

Use display saved-configuration to display the contents of the configuration file for the next system startup.


display saved-configuration [ by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




by-section: Displays the configuration used at the next startup by section. Each section contains the configuration in a command view and two adjacent sections are separated by a pound sign (#). If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the configuration used at the next startup by line.

begin: Displays the first configuration section that matches the specified regular expression and all subsequent configuration sections.

exclude: Displays all configuration sections not matching the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all configuration sections matching the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression to filter the configuration sections, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. A section matches the specified regular expression if it contains command lines that match the specified regular expression.




The by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression parameter is supported only in R6515P06 and later.


Usage guidelines

Use this command to verify that important settings have been saved to the configuration file for the next system startup.

This command selects the configuration file to display in the following order:

1.     If the main startup configuration file is available, this command displays the contents of the main startup configuration file.

2.     If only the backup startup configuration file is available, this command displays the contents of the backup file.

3.     If both the main and backup startup configuration files are not available, this command does not display anything.


# Display the contents of the configuration file for the next system startup.

<Sysname> display saved-configuration


 version 7.1.070, Release 1201


 sysname Sysname


 ftp server enable


 telnet server enable


 domain default enable system


vlan 1


domain system


  ---- More ----

Related commands

reset saved-configuration


display startup

Use display startup to display the names of the current startup configuration file and the next-startup configuration files.


display startup


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

All IRF members use the same current startup configuration file as the master.

After a master/subordinate switchover, it is normal that the current startup configuration files on all IRF members are displayed as NULL. This is because the new master continues to run with the running configuration rather than rebooting with a startup configuration file.


# Display names of the startup configuration files.

<Sysname> display startup


 Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg(*)

 Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg

 Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL

Table 3 Command output




Displays the startup configuration files on the master device.

Current startup saved-configuration file

Configuration file that the device has started up with.

If the field is suffixed with an asterisk (*), the startup configuration file is a binary configuration file.

Next main startup saved-configuration file

Primary configuration file to be used at the next startup.

Next backup startup saved-configuration file

Backup configuration file to be used at the next startup.

Related commands

startup saved-configuration

display this

Use display this to display the running configuration in the current view.


display this [ by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




by-section: Displays the running configuration in the current view by section. Each section contains the configuration in a command view and two adjacent sections are separated by a pound sign (#). If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the running configuration in the current view by line.

begin: Displays the first configuration section that matches the specified regular expression and all subsequent configuration sections.

exclude: Displays all configuration sections not matching the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all configuration sections matching the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression to filter the configuration sections, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters. A section matches the specified regular expression if it contains command lines that match the specified regular expression.




The by-section { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression parameter is supported only in R6515P06 and later.


Usage guidelines

Use this command to verify the configuration you have made in a certain view.

This command does not display parameters that are using the default settings.

Some parameters can be successfully set even if their dependent features are not enabled. For these parameters, this command displays their settings after the dependent features are enabled.

This command can be executed in any user line view to display the running configuration of all user lines.


# Display the running configuration on VLAN-interface 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 1

[Sysname-Vlan-interface1] display this


interface Vlan-interface1



reset saved-configuration

Use reset saved-configuration to delete a next-startup configuration file.


reset saved-configuration [ backup | main ]


User view

Predefined user roles



backup: Specifies the backup next-startup configuration file.

main: Specifies the main next-startup configuration file.

Usage guidelines



By default, this command permanently deletes the specified next-startup configuration file from all IRF member devices. To delete the configuration file only from the master device, disable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations. For more information about disabling these operations, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


You can delete the main file, the backup file, or both.

To delete a file that is set as both main and backup next-startup configuration files, you must execute both the reset saved-configuration backup command and the reset saved-configuration main command. Using only one of the commands sets the target file attribute to NULL instead of deleting the file.

If you do not specify a configuration file attribute, the reset saved-configuration command deletes the main next-startup configuration file.


# Delete the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> reset saved-configuration

The saved configuration file will be erased. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y

Configuration file in flash: is being cleared.

Please wait ...........

Configuration file is cleared.

Related commands

display saved-configuration

restore startup-configuration

Use restore startup-configuration to download a configuration file from a TFTP server and specify it as the main next-startup configuration file.


restore startup-configuration from { ipv4-server | ipv6 ipv6-server } src-filename [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



ipv4-server: Specifies a TFTP server by its IPv4 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. Valid characters include letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.).

ipv6 ipv6-server: Specifies a TFTP server by its IPv6 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. Valid characters include letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.).

src-filename: Specifies the name of the configuration file to be downloaded. The file must be a .cfg file. The file name is a case-insensitive string of up to 255 characters.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the TFTP server is on the public network, do not specify this option.

Usage guidelines

This command is not supported in FIPS mode.

Before restoring the configuration file for the next startup, make sure the following requirements are met:

·     The server is reachable.

·     The server is enabled with TFTP service.

·     You have read and write permissions to the server.

This command downloads the configuration file to the root directory of the default storage medium on each member device and specifies the file as the main next-startup configuration file. If a partitioned USB disk is used as the default storage medium, the configuration file is saved on the first partition. Make sure all IRF members use the same type of default storage media. If a subordinate device uses a different type of default storage medium than the master, the command cannot propagate the configuration file to the subordinate device. For example, the subordinate device uses a USB disk, but the master uses a flash memory. In this situation, you must manually restore the main next-startup configuration file on the subordinate device.


# Download test.cfg from the IPv4 TFTP server at in the public network, and specify the file as the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> restore startup-configuration from test.cfg

Restoring the next startup-configuration file from Please wait...finished.

# Download test.cfg from the IPv4 TFTP server at in MPLS L3VPN instance VPN1, and specify the file as the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> restore startup-configuration from test.cfg vpn-instance VPN1

Restoring the next startup-configuration file from Please wait...finished.

# Download test.cfg from the IPv6 TFTP server at 2001::2 in the public network, and specify the file as the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> restore startup-configuration from ipv6 2001::2 test.cfg

Restoring the next startup-configuration file from 2001::2. Please wait...finished.

Related commands

backup startup-configuration


Use save file-url [ all | slot slot-number ] to save the running configuration to a configuration file, without specifying the file as a next-startup configuration file.

Use save [ safely ] [ backup | main ] [ force ] [ changed ] to save the running configuration as a next-startup configuration file in the root directory of the storage medium.


save file-url [ all | slot slot-number ]

save [ safely ] [ backup | main ] [ force ] [ changed ]


Any view

Predefined user roles



file-url: Specifies a file path, a string of up to 255 characters. The file must be a .cfg file. If you specify the all keyword or the slot slot-number option, the file path cannot include a member ID. If the file path includes a folder name, the folder must already exist on the specified IRF member devices.

all: Saves the running configuration to all member devices. If you do not specify this keyword or the slot slot-number option, the command saves the running configuration only to the master.  

slot slot-number: Specifies a subordinate device by its member ID. If you do not specify a subordinate device or the all keyword, this command saves the running configuration only to the master.

safely: Saves the configuration file in safe mode. If you do not specify this keyword, the device saves the configuration file in fast mode.

backup: Saves the running configuration to a configuration file, and specifies the file as the backup next-startup configuration file. If you do not specify this keyword or the main keyword, the command specifies the saved file as the main next-startup configuration file.

main: Saves the running configuration to a configuration file, and specifies the file as the main next-startup configuration file. If you do not specify this keyword or the backup keyword, the command specifies the saved file as the main next-startup configuration file.

force: Saves the running configuration to the existing next-startup configuration file without prompting for confirmation. If you do not specify this keyword, the system prompts you to confirm the operation. If you do not confirm the operation within 30 seconds, the system automatically aborts the operation. If you enter Y within the time limit, you can continue the save process and change the target file name during the process.

changed: Overwrites the target configuration file with the running configuration if an inconsistency is detected between the settings in the configuration file and the running configuration. The save command does not take effect if no inconsistency is detected. If you do not specify this keyword, the save command always overwrites the target configuration file with the running configuration.

Usage guidelines



Use the save command with caution. This command will overwrite the settings in the target configuration file. When you execute this command, carefully read the messages displayed by the system and make sure you fully understand the impact of this command on services.


If you do not specify a file name or the force keyword when entering the save command, the system prompts for a file name when the command is executing. The device saves the running configuration to the specified file and specifies the file as a next-startup configuration file.

·     If the specified file does not exist, the device creates the file before saving the running configuration.

·     If the specified file already exists in the root directory of the storage medium, the device compares the running configuration with the existing file and displays the difference summary. You can choose to cancel the save operation and use the display diff command to view detailed configuration differences or continue the save operation to overwrite the existing file.

If you specify a file name when entering the save command, the device saves the running configuration only to the specified file.

·     If the specified file does not exist, the device creates the file before saving the running configuration.

·     If the specified file already exists in the root directory of the storage medium, the device does not compare the running configuration with the contents in the existing file. Instead, the device prompts you to confirm whether to overwrite the existing file. If you choose to not overwrite the file, the system cancels the save operation. You can view the differences between the running configuration and the target file by using the display diff command.

This command saves the running configuration to an .mdb binary file as well as a .cfg text file. The two files use the same file name. An .mdb file takes less time to load than a .cfg file.

When you use the save [ safely ] [ backup | main ] [ force ] [ changed ] command, follow these guidelines:

·     In safe mode, the system saves configuration in a temporary file and starts overwriting the target next-startup configuration file after the save operation is complete. If a reboot, power failure, or out of memory or storage space event occurs during the save operation, the next-startup configuration file is retained.

·     In fast mode, the device directly overwrites the target next-startup configuration file. If a reboot, power failure, or out of memory or storage space event occurs during this process, all settings in the next-startup configuration file are lost.

Safe mode is slower than fast mode, but more secure. As a best practice, specify the safely keyword for reliable configuration saving.

By default, the save [ safely ] [ backup | main ] [ force ] [ changed ] command saves the configuration to all IRF member devices. To save the configuration only to the master device, disable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations. For more information about disabling these operations, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


# Save the running configuration to backup.cfg, without specifying the file as a next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> save backup.cfg

The current configuration will be saved to flash:/backup.cfg. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now saving current configuration to the device.

Saving configuration flash:/backup.cfg. Please wait...

Configuration is saved to device successfully.

# Save the running configuration to the main next-startup configuration file without any confirmation required.

<Sysname> save force

Validating file. Please wait....

Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.

# Save the running configuration to file test.cfg in the root directory of the default storage medium, and specify the file as the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> save

The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/backup.cfg]

(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):test.cfg

Validating file. Please wait............

Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.

# Save the running configuration to file backup.cfg in the root directory of the default storage medium, and specify the file as the main next-startup configuration file. In this example, the specified file already exists in the root directory of the default storage medium.

<Sysname> save

The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/backup.cfg]

(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):backup.cfg

Validating file. Please wait............

The backup.cfg file already exists.

Compared with the backup.cfg file, the current configuration adds 5 commands and deletes 2 commands.

If you want to see the configuration differences, please cancel this operation, and then use the display diff command to show the details.

If you continue the save operation, the file will be overwritten.

Are you sure you want to continue the save operation? [Y/N]:y

Saving the current configuration to the file. Please wait...

Saved the current configuration to mainboard device successfully.

Related commands

display current-configuration

display diff

display saved-configuration

save current-configuration interval

Use save current-configuration interval to enable the automatic configuration saving feature and set the automatic saving interval.

Use undo save current-configuration interval to restore the default.




This command is supported only in Release 6522 and later.



save current-configuration interval interval

undo save current-configuration interval


The automatic configuration saving feature is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Sets the automatic saving interval, in minutes. The value range is 10 to 525600.

Usage guidelines

This feature enables the device to automatically save the running configuration to the main next-startup configuration file at intervals. At each interval, the device performs an automatic saving operation only if the running configuration contains different settings than the main next-startup configuration file.

This feature saves the running configuration to all member devices.

If no main next-startup configuration file exists, this feature automatically creates configuration file startup.cfg to save the running configuration and specifies the file as the main next-startup configuration file.


# Enable the device to automatically save the running configuration to the main next-startup configuration file every 60 minutes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] save current-configuration interval 60

standby auto-update config

Use standby auto-update config to enable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations.

Use undo standby auto-update config to disable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations.


standby auto-update config

undo standby auto-update config


Next-startup configuration file operations are automatically synchronized across the entire system.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

By default, automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations are enabled. The system performs the following operations on all IRF subordinate devices in addition to the master device:

·     Saves the running configuration to the next-startup configuration file on each member device when you execute the save [ safely ] [ backup | main ] [ force ] [ changed ] command.

·     Deletes the next-startup configuration file on each member device when you execute the reset saved-configuration command.

If you disable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations, the system saves the running configuration or deletes the next-startup configuration file only on the master device.

Automatic system-wide operations ensure start-up configuration file consistency between the master and subordinate devices. However, a system-wide operation takes more time than an operation performed only on the master device. In addition, the amount of time required to complete a system-wide configuration operation increases as the amount of configuration data grows.

If you are disabling automatic system-wide operations for faster configuration saving, be aware that the next-startup configuration files will be inconsistent between the master device and the subordinate devices.


# Enable automatic system-wide next-startup configuration file operations.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] standby auto-update config

Related commands

reset saved-configuration


startup saved-configuration

Use startup saved-configuration to specify a file as a next-startup configuration file.

Use undo startup saved-configuration to configure the system to start up with the factory defaults at the next startup.


startup saved-configuration cfgfile [ backup | main ]

undo startup saved-configuration


No next-startup configuration files are specified.


User view

Predefined user roles



cfgfile: Specifies the path of a configuration file, a string of up to 255 characters. The file must be a .cfg file. The file path can include only the file name, or the storage medium information and file name. If the file is not on the default storage medium, you must specify the file name with storage medium information.

backup: Specifies the configuration file as the backup next-startup configuration file.

main: Specifies the configuration file as the main next-startup configuration file. This is the primary configuration file that the device attempts to load at startup. If the loading attempt fails, the device tries the backup next-startup configuration file.

Usage guidelines



In an IRF fabric, the undo startup saved-configuration command can cause an IRF split after the IRF fabric or an IRF member reboots.

The startup saved-configuration command applies to all IRF members. To successfully execute this command, make sure the specified file has been saved in the root directory of the storage medium on each member.

If you do not specify the backup or main keyword, the startup saved-configuration command specifies the main next-startup configuration file.

As a best practice, specify different files as the main and backup next-startup configuration files.

The undo startup saved-configuration command changes the file attribute of the main and backup next-startup configuration files to NULL. However, the command does not delete the two configuration files.

You can also specify a configuration file as a next startup file when you use the save command to save the running configuration.


# Specify the main next-startup configuration file.

<Sysname> startup saved-configuration testcfg.cfg

Please wait ....... Done.

Related commands

display startup

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