01-Fundamentals Command Reference

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09-Device management commands
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Device management commands· 1

clock datetime· 1

clock protocol 2

clock summer-time· 2

clock timezone· 4

command· 5

copyright-info enable· 6

display clock· 6

display copyright 7

display cpu-usage· 7

display cpu-usage configuration· 9

display cpu-usage history· 9

display device· 11

display device manuinfo· 12

display device manuinfo fan· 13

display device manuinfo power 13

display diagnostic-information· 14

display dying-gasp host 15

display environment 16

display fan· 17

display memory· 18

display memory-threshold· 20

display power 21

display resource-monitor 22

display scheduler job· 23

display scheduler logfile· 24

display scheduler reboot 25

display scheduler schedule· 25

display switch-mode status· 26

display system stable state· 27

display transceiver alarm·· 28

display transceiver diagnosis· 29

display transceiver interface· 30

display transceiver manuinfo· 31

display version· 31

display version-update-record· 32

download manuinfo fan· 33

dying-gasp host 34

dying-gasp source· 35

fan prefer-direction· 36

header 36

job· 37

locator blink· 38

memory-threshold· 38

memory-threshold usage· 40

monitor cpu-usage enable· 40

monitor cpu-usage interval 41

monitor cpu-usage logging interval 42

monitor cpu-usage threshold· 42

monitor memory-usage logging interval 43

monitor resend cpu-usage· 44

monitor resend memory-threshold· 45

parity-error monitor log enable· 46

parity-error monitor period· 47

parity-error monitor threshold· 47

password-recovery enable· 48

reboot 49

reset scheduler logfile· 50

reset version-update-record· 50

resource-monitor minor resend enable· 51

resource-monitor output 51

resource-monitor resource· 52

restore factory-default 54

scheduler job· 54

scheduler logfile size· 55

scheduler reboot at 56

scheduler reboot delay· 57

scheduler schedule· 57

shutdown-interval 58

switch-mode· 59

sysname· 60

temperature-limit 60

time at 61

time once· 62

time repeating· 63

usb disable· 65

user-role· 65

Device management commands

clock datetime

Use clock datetime to set the system time.


clock datetime time date


The system time is UTC time 00:00:00 01/01/2013.


User view

Predefined user roles



time: Specifies a time in the hh:mm:ss format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. The value range for ss is 0 to 59. The leading zero in a segment can be omitted. If the seconds segment is 0 (hh:mm:00), you can omit it. If both the minutes and seconds segments are 0 (hh:00:00), you can omit both of the segments. For example, to specify 08:00:00, you can enter 8.

date: Specifies a date in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. The value range for YYYY is 2000 to 2035. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month.

Usage guidelines



This command changes the system time, which affects the execution of system time-related features (for example, scheduled tasks) and collaborative operations of the device with other devices (for example, log reporting and statistics collection). Before executing this command, make sure you fully understand its impact on your live network.


Correct system time is essential to network management and communication. You must configure the system time correctly before you run the device on the network.

For the device to use the local system time, execute the clock protocol none command and this command in turn. The specified system time takes effect immediately. Then, the device uses the clock signals generated by its built-in crystal oscillator to maintain the system time.

A device power cycling operation restores the local system time to the default. After the device is power cycled, you must execute this command again to set the local system time.


# Set the system time to 08:08:08 01/01/2015.

<Sysname> clock datetime 8:8:8 1/1/2015

# Set the system time to 08:10:00 01/01/2015.

<Sysname> clock datetime 8:10 2015/1/1

Related commands

clock protocol

clock summer-time

clock timezone

display clock

clock protocol

Use clock protocol to specify the system time source.

Use undo clock protocol to restore the default.


clock protocol { none | ntp | ptp }

undo clock protocol


The device obtains the UTC time from an NTP time source.


System view

Predefined user roles



none: Uses the system time set by using the clock datetime command.

ptp: Uses PTP to obtain the UTC time. You must configure PTP correctly. For more information about PTP and PTP configuration, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

ntp: Uses NTP to obtain the UTC time. You must configure NTP correctly. For more information about NTP and NTP configuration, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

Usage guidelines

Correct system time is essential to network management and communication. You must configure the system time correctly before you run the device on the network.

The device can use the locally set system time, or obtain the UTC time from a time source on the network and calculate the system time.

If you use the clock protocol none command, the device uses the locally set system time. The device then uses the clock signals generated by its built-in crystal oscillator to maintain the system time.

If you use the clock protocol { ntp | ptp } command, the device obtains the UTC time through NTP or PTP and calculates the system time. The device then periodically synchronizes the UTC time and recalculates the system time.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Configure the device to use the local UTC time.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] clock protocol none

clock summer-time

Use clock summer-time to set the daylight saving time.

Use undo clock summer-time to restore the default.


clock summer-time name start-time start-date end-time end-date add-time

undo clock summer-time


The daylight saving time is not set.


System view

Predefined user roles



name: Specifies a name for the daylight saving time schedule, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

start-time: Specifies the start time in the hh:mm:ss format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. The value range for ss is 0 to 59. The leading zero in a segment can be omitted. If the seconds segment is 0 (hh:mm:00), you can omit it. If both the minutes and seconds segments are 0 (hh:00:00), you can omit both of the segments. For example, to specify 08:00:00, you can enter 8.

start-date: Specifies the start date in one of the following formats:

·     MM/DD. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month.

·     month week day, where:

¡     month—Takes January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December.

¡     week—Represents week of the month. It takes first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or last.

¡     day—Takes Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

end-time: Specifies the end time in the hh:mm:ss format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. The value range for ss is 0 to 59. The leading zero in a segment can be omitted. If the seconds segment is 0 (hh:mm:00), you can omit it. If both the minutes and seconds segments are 0 (hh:00:00), you can omit both of the segments. For example, to specify 08:00:00, you can enter 8.

end-date: Specifies the end date in one of the following formats:

·     MM/DD. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month.

·     month week day, where:

¡     month—Takes January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December.

¡     week—Represents week of the month. It takes first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or last.

¡     day—Takes Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

add-time: Specifies the time to be added to the standard time, in the hh:mm:ss format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. The value range for ss is 0 to 59. The leading zero in a segment can be omitted. If the seconds segment is 0 (hh:mm:00), you can omit it. If both the minutes and seconds segments are 0 (hh:00:00), you can omit both of the segments. For example, to specify 08:00:00, you can enter 8.

Usage guidelines

Correct system time is essential to network management and communication. You must configure the system time correctly before you run the device on the network.

After you set the daylight saving time, the device recalculates the system time. To view the system time, use the display clock command.

Make sure all devices on the network are using the same daylight saving time as the local time.


# Set the system time ahead 1 hour for the period between 06:00:00 on 08/01 and 06:00:00 on 09/01.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] clock summer-time PDT 6 08/01 6 09/01 1

Related commands

clock datetime

clock timezone

display clock

clock timezone

Use clock timezone to set the time zone.

Use undo clock timezone to restore the default.


clock timezone zone-name { add | minus } zone-offset

undo clock timezone


The UTC time zone is used.


System view

Predefined user roles



zone-name: Specifies a time zone by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

add: Adds an offset to the UTC time.

minus: Decreases the UTC time by an offset.

zone-offset: Specifies an offset to the UTC time, in the hh:mm:ss format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. The value range for ss is 0 to 59. The leading zero in a segment can be omitted. If the seconds segment is 0 (hh:mm:00), you can omit it. If both the minutes and seconds segments are 0 (hh:00:00), you can omit both of the segments. For example, to specify 08:00:00, you can enter 8.

Usage guidelines

Correct system time is essential to network management and communication. You must configure the system time correctly before you run the device on the network.

After you set the time zone, the device recalculates the system time. To view the system time, use the display clock command.

Make sure all devices on the network are using the same time zone as the local time.


# Set the name of the time zone to Z5, and add 5 hours to the UTC time.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] clock timezone Z5 add 5

Related commands

clock datetime

clock summer-time

display clock


Use command to assign a command to a job.

Use undo command to revoke a command.


command id command

undo command id


No command is assigned to a job.


Job view

Predefined user roles



id: Specifies an ID for the command, in the range of 0 to 4294967295. A command ID uniquely identifies a command in a job. Commands in a job are executed in ascending order of their command IDs.

command: Specifies the command to be assigned to the job.

Usage guidelines

To assign a command (command A) to a job, you must first assign the job the command or commands for entering the view of command A.

If you specify the ID of an existing command for another command, the existing command is replaced.

Make sure all commands in a schedule are compliant to the command syntax. The system does not examine the syntax when you assign a command to a job.

If a command requires a yes or no answer, the system always assumes that a Y or Yes is entered. If a command requires a character string input, the system assumes that either the default character string (if any) or a null string is entered.

A job cannot contain the telnet, ftp, ssh2, or monitor process command.


# Assign commands to the backupconfig job to back up the startup.cfg file to the TFTP server at

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler job backupconfig

[Sysname-job-backupconfig] command 2 tftp put flash:/startup.cfg backup.cfg

# Assign commands to the shutdownGE job to shut down Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler job shutdownGE

[Sysname-job-shutdownGE] command 1 system-view

[Sysname-job-shutdownGE] command 2 interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-job-shutdownGE] command 3 shutdown

Related commands

scheduler job

copyright-info enable

Use copyright-info enable to enable copyright statement display.

Use undo copyright-info enable to disable copyright statement display.


copyright-info enable

undo copyright-info enable


Copyright statement display is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



# Enable copyright statement display.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] copyright-info enable

The device will display the following statement when a user logs in:


* Copyright (c) 2004-2018 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.*

* Without the owner's prior written consent,                                 *

* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.                    *


display clock

Use display clock to display the system time, date, time zone, and daylight saving time.


display clock


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display the system time and date when the time zone is not specified.

<Sysname> display clock

10:09:00.258 UTC Fri 03/16/2015

The time is in the hour:minute:second.milliseconds format.

# Display the system time and date when the time zone Z5 is specified.

<Sysname> display clock

15:10:00.152 Z5 Fri 03/16/2015

Time Zone : Z5 add 05:00:00

# Display the system time and date when the time zone Z5 and daylight saving time PDT are specified.

<Sysname> display clock

15:11:00.211 Z5 Fri 03/16/2015

Time Zone : Z5 add 05:00:00

Summer Time : PDT 06:00:00 08/01 06:00:00 09/01 01:00:00

Related commands

clock datetime

clock timezone

clock summer-time

display copyright

Use display copyright to display the copyright statement.


display copyright


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display the copyright statement.

<Sysname> display copyright


display cpu-usage

Use display cpu-usage to display the current CPU usage statistics.


display cpu-usage [ summary ] [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number [ core { core-number| all } ] ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




summary: Displays CPU usage statistics in table form. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays CPU usage statistics in text form.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays CPU usage statistics for all member devices.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

core core-number: Specifies a CPU core by its number.

core all: Specifies all CPU cores.

Usage guidelines

If two hyphens (--) are displayed for the CPU usage during the most recent 5-second, 1-minute, and 5-minute intervals, the command might fail to obtain data from the database on the device. Try the command later.


# Display the current CPU usage statistics in text form.

<Sysname> display cpu-usage

Slot 1 CPU 0 CPU usage:

       1% in last 5 seconds

       1% in last 1 minute

       1% in last 5 minutes

# Display the current CPU usage statistics in table form.

<Sysname> display cpu-usage

Slot CPU        Last 5 sec        Last 1 min        Last 5 min

1    0          17%               29%               28%

Table 1 Command output



x% in last 5 seconds

Last 5 sec

Average CPU or CPU core usage during the most recent 5-second interval.

y% in last 1 minute

Last 1 min

Average CPU or CPU core usage during the most recent 1-minute interval.

z% in last 5 minutes

Last 5 min

Average CPU or CPU core usage during the most recent 5-minute interval.

display cpu-usage configuration

Use display cpu-usage configuration to display CPU usage monitoring settings.


display cpu-usage configuration [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays the CPU usage monitoring settings for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.


# Display the CPU usage monitoring settings.

<Sysname> display cpu-usage configuration

CPU usage monitor is enabled.

Current monitor interval is 60 seconds.

Current severe alarm threshold is 99%.

Current minor alarm threshold is 80%.

Table 2 Command output



CPU usage monitor is xxx.

Whether CPU usage tracking is enabled.

Current monitor interval is xxx.

Sampling interval for CPU usage tracking.

Current severe alarm threshold is xxx.

Severe CPU usage alarm threshold.

Current minor alarm threshold is xxx.

Minor CPU usage alarm threshold.

Related commands

monitor cpu-usage enable

monitor cpu-usage interval

monitor cpu-usage threshold

display cpu-usage history

Use display cpu-usage history to display the historical CPU usage statistics in a coordinate system.


display cpu-usage history [ job job-id ] [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




job job-id: Specifies a process by its ID. The value range for job-id is 1 to 2147483647. If you do not specify a process, this command displays the statistics for the entire system's CPU usage (the total CPU usage of all processes). To view the IDs and names of the running processes, use the display process command. For more information, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you specify a process but do not specify a member device, this command displays the statistics for the process on the master device. If you do not specify any options, this command displays the statistics for all processes on all member devices.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number. If you specify a process but do not specify a CPU, this command displays the statistics for the default CPU. If you do not specify a process or CPU, this command displays the historical statistics for all CPUs.

Usage guidelines

After CPU usage monitoring is enabled, the system regularly samples CPU usage and saves the samples to the history record buffer. This command displays the most recent 60 samples in a coordinate system as follows:

·     The vertical axis represents the CPU usage. If a statistic is not a multiple of the usage step, it is rounded up or down to the closest multiple of the usage step. For example, if the CPU usage step is 5%, the statistic 53% is rounded up to 55%, and the statistic 52% is rounded down to 50%.

·     The horizontal axis represents the time.

·     Pound signs (#) indicate the CPU usage. The value on the vertical axis for the topmost pound sign at a specific time represents the CPU usage at that time.


# Display the historical CPU usage statistics.

<Sysname> display cpu-usage history


















 15%|             #

 10%|            ###  #

  5%|           ########


              10        20        30        40        50        60  (minutes)

                      cpu-usage (Slot 1 CPU 0) last 60 minutes (SYSTEM)

The output shows the following items:

·     Process name. The name SYSTEM represents the entire system.

·     CPU that is holding the process: CPU 0 in slot 1.

·     Historical CPU usage statistics for the entire system during the last 60 minutes.

¡     12 minutes ago—Approximately 5%.

¡     13 minutes ago—Approximately 10%.

¡     14 minutes ago—Approximately 15%.

¡     15 minutes ago—Approximately 10%.

¡     16 and 17 minutes ago—Approximately 5%.

¡     18 minutes ago—Approximately 10%.

¡     19 minutes ago—Approximately 5%.

¡     Other time—2% or lower.

Related commands

monitor cpu-usage enable

monitor cpu-usage interval

display device

Use display device to display device information.


display device[ flash | usb ] [ slot slot-number [ subslot subslot-number ] | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




flash: Displays flash memory information.

usb: Displays USB interface information.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays information for all member devices.

subslot subslot-number: Specifies a subcard by its subslot number. If you do not specify a subcard, this command does not display information about any subcards.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, this command displays brief information, and does not display firewall card information.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify the flash and usb keywords, this command displays information about member devices.


# Display device information.

<Sysname> display device

Slot 1

Slot Type             State    Subslot  Soft Ver             Patch Ver         

1    S6520XE-54QC-HI   Master   0       S6520XE-1110P04      None

Table 3 Command output




Device type.


Role of the device in an IRF fabric:

·     Master—The device is the master.

·     Standby—The device is a subordinate member.

Soft Ver

Software version of the device.

Patch Ver

Most recently released patch image version that is running on the device. If no patch image is installed, this field displays None.

If both incremental and non-incremental patch images are running on the device, this field displays the most recently released incremental patch image version. For more information about patch image types, see "Upgrading software."

display device manuinfo

Use display device manuinfo to display electronic label information for the device.


display device manuinfo [ slot slot-number [ subslot subslot-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays electronic label information for all member devices.

subslot subslot-number: Specifies a subcard by its subslot number. If you do not specify a subcard, this command does not display information about any subcards.

Usage guidelines

An electronic label contains the permanent configuration information, including the hardware serial number, manufacturing date, MAC address, and vendor name. The data is written to the storage component during hardware debugging or testing. This command displays only part of the electronic label information.


# Display electronic label information for the device.

<Sysname> display device manuinfo


display device manuinfo fan

Use display device manuinfo fan to display electronic label information for a fan tray.


display device manuinfo slot slot-number fan fan-id


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

fan-id: Specifies a fan tray by its ID.


# Display electronic label information for a fan tray.

<Sysname> display device manuinfo slot 1 fan 1


display device manuinfo power

Use display device manuinfo power to display electronic label information for a power supply.


display device manuinfo slot slot-number power power-id


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

power-id: Specifies a power supply by its ID.


# Display electronic label information for a power supply.

<Sysname> display device manuinfo slot 1 power 1


display diagnostic-information

Use display diagnostic-information to display or save operating information for features and hardware modules.


display diagnostic-information [ hardware | infrastructure | l2 | l3 | service ] [ key-info ] [ filename ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




hardware: Specifies hardware-related operating information.

infrastructure: Specifies operating information for the fundamental features.

l2: Specifies operating information for the Layer 2 features.

l3: Specifies operating information for the Layer 3 features.

service: Specifies operating information for Layer 4 and upper-layer features.

key-info: Displays or saves only critical operating information. The device might have a large amount of operating information if an exception occurs or after the device runs for a long period of time. Specifying this keyword reduces the command execution time and helps you focus on critical operating information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays or saves both critical and non-critical operating information.

filename: Saves the information to a file. The filename argument must use the .tar.gz extension. If you do not specify this argument, the command prompts you to choose whether to save the information to a file or display the information.

Usage guidelines

You can use one of the following methods to collect operating statistics for diagnostics and troubleshooting:

·     Use separate display commands to collect operating information feature by feature or module by module.

·     Use the display diagnostic-information command to collect operating information for multiple or all features and hardware modules.

To save storage space, this command automatically compresses the information before saving the information to a file. To view the file content:

1.     Use the tar extract command to extract the file.

2.     Use the gunzip command to decompress the extracted file.

3.     Use the more command to view the content of the decompressed file.

If you abort the display diagnostic-information command, the gunzip command might not be able to decompress the extracted file. To decompress the extracted file, export the extracted file to a PC that is running Linux, and use the gunzip -c command.

If you do not specify a file name for the command, the system prompts you to choose whether to display or save the information. If you choose to save the information, the system automatically assigns a file name and displays the file name in brackets. For file name uniqueness, the file name includes the device name and the current system time. If the device name contains any of the following special characters, the system uses an underscore (_) to replace each special character: forward slashes (/), backward slashes (\), colons (:), asterisks (*), question marks (?), less than signs (<), greater than signs (>), pipeline signs (|), and quotation marks ("). For example, device name A/B will change to A_B in the file name, as in flash:/diag_A_B_20160101-000438.tar.gz.

If you do not specify any feature parameters, this command displays or saves the operating information for all features and modules.

This command does not support the |, >, and >> options.

While the device is executing this command, do not execute any other commands. Executing other commands might affect the collected operating information.


# Display the operating information for all features and modules.

<Sysname> display diagnostic-information

Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:n


  ===============display clock===============

14:03:55 UTC Thu 01/05/2015


  ===============display version=============== 


# Save the operating information to the default file.

<Sysname> display diagnostic-information

Save or display diagnostic information (Y=save, N=display)? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.tar.gz)[flash:/diag_Sysname_20160101-024601.tar.gz]:

Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/diag_Sysname_20160101-024601.tar.gz.

Please wait...

Save successfully.

Press Enter when the system prompts you to enter the file name.

# Save the operating information for all features and modules to file test.tar.gz.

<Sysname> display diagnostic-information test.tar.gz

Diagnostic information is outputting to flash:/test.tar.gz.

Please wait...

Save successfully.

Related commands



tar extract

display dying-gasp host

Use display dying-gasp host to display poweroff alarm destination host settings.


display dying-gasp host


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display poweroff alarm destination host settings.

<Sysname> display dying-gasp host

IPv4 address:

Message type: SNMP Trap

Securityname: p1

Version: V1


IPv4 address:

Message type: Syslog

Table 4 Command output



IPv4 address

IPv4 address of the poweroff alarm destination host.

IPv6 address

IPv6 address of the poweroff alarm destination host.

VPN instance

VPN instance to which the poweroff alarm destination host belongs.

Message type

Message types that the poweroff alarm destination host supports:

·     SNMP Trap—SNMP notification.

·     Syslog—Log message.


SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name.

This field is displayed when the message type is SNMP Trap.


SNMP version:

·     v1—SNMPv1.

·     v2c—SNMPv2c.

This field is displayed when the message type is SNMP Trap.

Related commands

dying-gasp host

display environment

Use display environment to display temperature information.


display environment [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays temperature information for all member devices.


# Display information about all temperature sensors on the device.

<Sysname> display environment

 System temperature information (degree centigrade):


 Slot  Sensor       Temperature  Lower       Warning       Alarm       Shutdown

 1     hotspot 1    38           10          40            50          NA

 1     hotspot 2    42           10          50            80          NA

Table 5 Command output



System Temperature information (degree centigrade)

Temperature information (°C).


Temperature sensor:

hotspot—Hotspot sensor.


Sensor position.


Current temperature.


Lower temperature limit. If the device does not support this field, this field displays NA.


Warning temperature threshold. If the device does not support this field, this field displays NA.


Alarming temperature threshold. If the device does not support this field, this field displays NA.


Shutdown temperature threshold. When the sensor temperature reaches the limit, the system shuts down automatically. If the device does not support this field, this field displays NA.

display fan

Use display fan to display fan tray operating status information.


display fan [ slot slot-number [ fan-id ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays fan tray operating status information for all member devices.

fan-id: Specifies a fan tray by its ID. If you do not specify a fan tray, this command displays operating status information for all fan trays at the specified position.


# Display the operating states of all fan trays.

<Sysname> display fan

 Slot 1:                                                                       

 Fan 1:                                                                        

 State    : Normal                                                             

 Airflow Direction: Port-to-power                                              

 Prefer Airflow Direction: Port-to-power

Table 6 Command output



Slot 1

Number of the member device.

Fan 1

Fan tray number.


Fan status:

·     Absent—The slot is not installed with a fan tray.

·     Fault—The fan is faulty.

·     Normal—The fan is operating correctly.

·     FanDirectionFault—The actual airflow direction is not the preferred direction.

Airflow Direction

Actual airflow direction:

·     Port-to-power—From the port side to the power supply side.

·     Power-to-port—From the power supply side to the port side.

Prefer Airflow Direction

Preferred airflow direction:

·     Port-to-power—From the port side to the power supply side.

·     Power-to-port—From the power supply side to the port side.

display memory

Use display memory to display memory usage information.


display memory [ summary ] [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




summary: Displays brief information about memory usage. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays detailed information about memory usage.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays memory usage for all member devices.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

If two hyphens (--) are displayed for all the fields in a line of the command output, the command might fail to obtain data from the database on the device. Try the command later.


# Display detailed memory usage information.

<Sysname> display memory

Memory statistics are measured in KB:                                           

Slot 1:                                                                        

             Total      Used      Free    Shared   Buffers    Cached   FreeRatio

Mem:       2036176    696836   1339340         0      1412    257892       73.1%

-/+ Buffers/Cache:    437532   1598644                                         

Swap:            0         0         0                                         

LowMem:    1520080    301028   1219052        --        --        --       80.2%

HighMem:    516096    395808    120288        --        --        --       23.3%

# Display brief memory usage information.

<Sysname> display memory summary

Memory statistics are measured in KB:                                          

Slot CPU        Total      Used      Free  Buffers    Caches FreeRatio         

   1   0      2036176    694192   1341984     1412    257892     65.9%         


Low memory statistics are measured in KB:                                      

Slot CPU        Total      Used      Free  Buffers    Caches FreeRatio         

   1   0      1520080    300732   1219348       --        --     80.2%         


High memory statistics are measured in KB:                                     

Slot CPU        Total      Used      Free  Buffers    Caches FreeRatio         

   1   0       516096    393460    122636       --        --     23.8%         

Table 7 Command output




Memory usage information.


Total size of the physical memory space that can be allocated.

The memory space is virtually divided into two parts. Part 1 is solely used for kernel code, kernel management, and ISSU functions. Part 2 can be allocated and used for such tasks as running service modules and storing files. The size of part 2 equals the total size minus the size of part 1.


Used physical memory.


Free physical memory.


Physical memory shared by processes.

If this field is not supported, two hyphens (--) are displayed.


Physical memory used for buffers.

If this field is not supported, two hyphens (--) are displayed.



Physical memory used for caches. If a memory threshold is reached, part of memory used for caches can be automatically released for other services.

If this field is not supported, two hyphens (--) are displayed.


Free memory ratio. The free memory includes the free physical memory and the part of memory used for caches that can be automatically released for other services when a memory threshold is reached.

-/+ Buffers/Cache

-/+ Buffers/Cache:used = Mem:Used – Mem:Buffers – Mem:Cached, which indicates the physical memory used by applications.

-/+ Buffers/Cache:free = Mem:Free + Mem:Buffers + Mem:Cached, which indicates the physical memory available for applications.


Memory space for swapping.


Low-memory usage information.


High-memory usage information.

display memory-threshold

Use display memory-threshold to display memory alarm thresholds and statistics.


display memory-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays the memory usage thresholds and statistics for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

For more information about memory usage notifications, see log information containing MEM_EXCEED_THRESHOLD or MEM_BELOW_THRESHOLD.


# Display memory alarm thresholds and statistics.

<Sysname> display memory-threshold

Memory usage threshold: 100%                                                   

Free-memory thresholds:                                                        

    Minor: 96M                                                                  

    Severe: 64M                                                                

    Critical: 48M                                                              

    Normal: 128M                                                               

    Early-warning: 192M                                                        

    Secure: 304M                                                               


Current free-memory state: Normal (secure)                                     

Free-memory event statistics:                                                  

 [Back to secure state]                                                        

    First notification: 0.0                                                    

    Latest notification: 0.0                                                   

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Entered early-warning state]                                                  

    First notification at: 0.0                                                 

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                       

 [Back to normal state]                                                        

    First notification: 0.0                                                    

    Latest notification: 0.0                                                    

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Entered minor alarm state]                                                   

    First notification at: 0.0                                                  

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Back to minor alarm state]                                                   

    First notification at: 0.0                                                 

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Entered severe alarm state]                                                  

    First notification at: 0.0                                                 

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Back to severe alarm state]                                                  

    First notification at: 0.0                                                 

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0                                      

 [Entered critical alarm state]                                                

    First notification at: 0.0                                                 

    Latest notification at: 0.0                                                

    Total number of notifications sent: 0

display power

Use display power to display power supply information.


display power [ slot slot-number [ power-id ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays power supply information for all member devices.

power-id: Specifies a power supply by its ID. If you do not specify a power supply, this command displays information about all power supplies at the specified position.


# Display power supply information.

<Sysname> display power

 Slot 1:                                                                       

 PowerID State    Mode   Current(A)  Voltage(V)  Power(W)                      

 1       Absent   --        --          --          --                         

 2       Normal   AC        2.51       11.94      32.00

Table 8 Command output




Power supply ID.


Power supply status.

·     Absent—The slot is not installed with a removable power supply.

·     Faulty—The power supply is faulty, or no power is present.

·     Normal—The power supply is operating correctly.


Mode of the power supply:

·     ACAC power supply.

·     DCDC power supply.


Output current of the power supply, in amperes.

(Device models that use built-in power supplies and device models that use removable power supplies and run an version earlier than F6515P01 do not display the actual value but two hyphens (--) for this field.)


Output voltage of the power supply, in volts.

(Device models that use built-in power supplies and device models that use removable power supplies and run an version earlier than F6515P01 do not display the actual value but two hyphens (--) for this field.)


Output power of the power supply, in watts.

(Device models that use built-in power supplies and device models that use removable power supplies and run an version earlier than F6515P01 do not display the actual value but two hyphens (--) for this field.)

display resource-monitor

Use display resource-monitor to display resource monitoring information.


display resource-monitor [ resource resource-name ] [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




resource resource-name: Specifies a resource type by its name.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays resource monitoring information for all member devices.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.


# Display ARP resource monitoring information.

<Sysname> display resource-monitor resource arp

Minor alarms resending: Enabled


Slot 1:

Resource                         Minor Severe Free/Total

                                 (%)   (%)    (absolute)

arp                              50    20     90095/90098

Table 9 Command output



Minor alarms resending

Status of the minor resource depletion alarm resending feature, Enabled or Disabled.


Monitored resource type.



Minor resource depletion threshold, in percentage.



Severe resource depletion threshold, in percentage.



Numbers of available resources and total resources, in absolute values.

Related commands

resource-monitor minor resend enable

resource-monitor resource

display scheduler job

Use display scheduler job to display job configuration information.


display scheduler job [ job-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




job-name: Specifies a job by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters. If you do not specify a job, this command displays configuration information for all jobs.


# Display configuration information for all jobs.

<Sysname> display scheduler job

Job name: saveconfig

 copy startup.cfg backup.cfg


Job name: backupconfig


Job name: creat-VLAN100


 vlan 100

// The output shows that the device has three jobs: the first has one command, the second does not have any commands, and the third has two commands. Jobs are separated by blank lines.

display scheduler logfile

Use display scheduler logfile to display job execution log information.


display scheduler logfile


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display job execution log information.

<Sysname> display scheduler logfile

Logfile Size: 1902 Bytes.


Job name        : shutdown

Schedule name   : shutdown

Execution time  : Tue Dec 27 10:44:42 2015

Completion time : Tue Dec 27 10:44:47 2015

--------------------------------- Job output -----------------------------------


System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname]interface rang ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1 to ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/3


Table 10 Command output



Logfile Size

Size of the log file, in bytes.

Schedule name

Schedule to which the job belongs.

Execution time

Time when the job was started.

Completion time

Time when the job was completed. If the job has never been executed or the job does not have any commands, this field is blank.

Job output

Commands in the job and their output.

Related commands

reset scheduler logfile

display scheduler reboot

Use display scheduler reboot to display the automatic reboot schedule.


display scheduler reboot


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display the automatic reboot schedule.

<Sysname> display scheduler reboot

System will reboot at 16:32:00 05/23/2015 (in 1 hours and 39 minutes).

Related commands

scheduler reboot at

scheduler reboot delay

display scheduler schedule

Use display scheduler schedule to display schedule information.


display scheduler schedule [ schedule-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




schedule-name: Specifies a schedule by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters. If you do not specify a schedule, this command displays information about all schedules.


# Display information about all schedules.

<Sysname> display scheduler schedule

Schedule name        : shutdown

Schedule type        : Run once after 0 hours 2 minutes

Start time           : Tue Dec 27 10:44:42 2015

Last execution time  : Tue Dec 27 10:44:42 2015

Last completion time : Tue Dec 27 10:44:47 2015

Execution counts     : 1


Job name                                          Last execution status

shutdown                                          Successful

Table 11 Command output



Schedule type

Execution time setting of the schedule. If no execution time is specified, this field is not displayed.

Start time

Time to execute the schedule for the first time. If no execution time is specified, this field is not displayed.

Last execution time

Last time when the schedule was executed. If no execution time is specified, this field is not displayed. If the schedule has never been executed, "Yet to be executed" is displayed for this field.

Last completion time

Last time when the schedule was completed. If no execution time is specified, this field is not displayed.

Execution counts

Number of times the schedule has been executed. If the schedule has never been executed, this field is not displayed.

Job name

Name of a job under the schedule.

Last execution status

Result of the most recent execution:

·     Successful.

·     Failed.

·     Waiting—The device is executing the schedule and the job is waiting to be executed.

·     In process—The job is being executed.

·     -NA-—The execution time has not arrived yet.

To view information about whether the commands in the job has been executed and the execution results, execute the display scheduler logfile command.

display switch-mode status

Use display switch-mode status to display the operating mode of the device.


display switch-mode status


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display operating mode about the device.

<Sysname> display switch-mode status

     Switch-mode in use: NORMAL MODE(default).

     Switch-mode for next reboot:: VXLAN MODE.

     Switch-mode for next reboot: VXLAN MODE.


display system stable state

Use display system stable state to display system stability and status information.


display system stable state [ summary ]


Any view

Predefined user roles



summary: Displays brief information about system status, redundancy status, and NSR status. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays detailed information about system status, redundancy status, and CPU role and status.

Usage guidelines

Before performing an ISSU or a switchover, execute this command multiple times to identify whether the system is operating stably. If the value of the System State field is not Stable, you cannot perform an ISSU. If the value of the Redundancy Stable field is not Stable, you cannot perform a switchover.

The device startup process takes some time. If the values of the status fields do not change to Stable, execute this command multiple times to identify the devices that are not in Stable state. You can also use other commands to identify the faulty components. For example:

·     Use the display device command to identify the device operating status.

·     Use the display ha service-group command to display the status of HA service groups and identify the groups in batch backup state.

·     Use the display system internal process state command in probe view to display service operating status.


# Display brief system stability and status information.

<Sysname> display system stable state summary

System state      : Stable

Redundancy state  : No redundance

NSR     state     : No standby

# Display system stability and status information.

<Sysname> display system stable state

System state    : Stable

Redundancy state: No redundance

  Slot   CPU   Role      State

  1      0     Active    Stable

Table 12 Command output



System state

Operating status of all member devices:

·     Stable—All member devices are operating stably.

·     Not ready—The system is not operating stably. You cannot perform an ISSU when the system is in this state.

Redundancy state

System redundancy status:

·     Stable—Member devices are operating stably. You can perform a switchover.

·     No redundance—The system has only one member device. You cannot perform a switchover.

·     Not ready—The system is not operating stably. You cannot perform a switchover.

NSR state

NSR status of all member devices:

·     Stable—NSR is operating correctly on all member devices where it is enabled.

·     Not ready—NSR is not operating correctly on all member devices where it is enabled. You cannot perform a process or member switchover or an ISSU.

·     No standby—The IRF fabric has only one member device.

·     Not configured—NSR is not enabled.


Role of the member device in the system:

·     Active—The member device is the master.

·     Standby—The member device is a subordinate member.


Member device status:

·     Stable—The member device is operating stably.

·     Board inserted—The member device has just been installed.

·     Kernel initiating—Member device kernel is being initialized.

·     Service starting—Services are starting on the member device.

·     Service stopping—Services are stopping on the member device.

·     HA Batch backup—An HA batch backup is going on.

·     Interface data batch backup—An interface data batch backup is in progress.


The object is not operating stably.

Related commands

display device

display ha service-group (High Availability Command Reference)

display transceiver alarm

Use display transceiver alarm to display transceiver alarms.


display transceiver alarm interface [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface [ interface-type interface-number ]: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If no interface is specified, this command displays the alarms present on every transceiver module.

Usage guidelines

Table 13 shows the common transceiver alarm components. If no error occurs, "None" is displayed.

Table 13 Common transceiver alarm components




Avalanche photo diode


Physical coding sublayer


PHY extended sublayer


Physical medium attachment/physical medium dependent


Optical power


Reference clock




Thermoelectric cooler






WAN interface sublayer


# Display the alarms present on the transceiver module in interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display transceiver alarm interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1 transceiver current alarm information:

  RX signal loss

  RX power low

Table 14 Command output



transceiver current alarm information

Alarms present on the transceiver module.

RX signal loss

Inbound signal loss occurred.

RX power low

Received power is low.

display transceiver diagnosis

Use display transceiver diagnosis to display the current values of the digital diagnosis parameters on transceiver modules.


display transceiver diagnosis interface [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface [ interface-type interface-number ]: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If no interface is specified, this command displays the current values of the digital diagnosis parameters on every transceiver module.


# Display the current values of the digital diagnosis parameters on the transceiver module in interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display transceiver diagnosis interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1 transceiver diagnostic information:

  Current diagnostic parameters:

    Temp(°C)  Voltage(V)  Bias(mA)  RX power(dBm)  TX power(dBm)

    36        3.31        6.13      -35.64          -5.19

  Alarm thresholds:

           Temp(°C)   Voltage(V)  Bias(mA)  RX power(dBM)  TX power(dBM)

    High   50         3.55        1.44      -10.00         5.00

    Low    30         3.01        1.01      -30.00         0.00

Table 15 Command output



transceiver diagnostic information

Digital diagnosis information for the transceiver module in the interface.


Temperature in °C, accurate to 1°C.


Voltage in V, accurate to 0.01 V.


Bias current in mA, accurate to 0.01 mA.

RX power(dBm)

Receive power in dBm, accurate to 0.01 dBm.

TX power(dBm)

Transmit power in dBm, accurate to 0.01 dBm.

display transceiver interface

Use display transceiver interface to display the key parameters of transceiver modules.


display transceiver interface [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays the key parameters of every transceiver module.


# Display the key parameters of the transceiver module in interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display transceiver interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1


display transceiver manuinfo

Use display transceiver manuinfo to display electronic label information for transceiver modules.


display transceiver manuinfo interface [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface [ interface-type interface-number ]: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If no interface is specified, this command displays electronic label information for all transceiver modules.


# Display electronic label information for the transceiver module in interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display transceiver manuinfo interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1


display version

Use display version to display system version information.


display version


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display system version information.

<Sysname> display version

H3C Comware Software, Version 7.1.070, Feature 2607

Copyright (c) 2004-2018 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

H3C S6520X-54HC-EI uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes

Last reboot reason : Cold reboot


Boot image: flash:/s6520x-cmw710-boot-f2607.bin

Boot image version: 7.1.070, Feature 2607

  Compiled May 15 2017 16:00:00

System image: flash:/s6520x-cmw710-system-f2607.bin

System image version: 7.1.070, Feature 2607

  Compiled May 15 2017 16:00:00


Table 16 Command output



Last reboot reason

Reason for the last reboot:

·     User rebootThe reboot was manually initiated from a user interface, such as the CLI or SNMP.

·     Cold rebootThe reboot was caused by a power cycle.

·     Kernel abnormality rebootThe reboot was caused by kernel exceptions.

·     DeadLoop rebootThe reboot was caused by a kernel thread dead loop.

·     DEV HandShake rebootThe reboot was caused by a device management handshake failure.

·     SlaveSwitch rebootThe reboot was caused by a master/subordinate switchover.

·     IRF Merge rebootThe reboot was caused by an IRF merge.

·     Auto Update rebootThe reboot was caused by an automatic software upgrade.

·     Memory exhaust rebootThe reboot was caused by a device-memory-exhausted event.

display version-update-record

Use display version-update-record to display startup software image upgrade records.


display version-update-record


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

The device records its current startup software version information whenever it starts up, and records all software version update information. Such information can survive reboots.


# Display the startup software image upgrade records.

<Sysname> display version-update-record

Record 1  (updated on Apr 18 2015 at 06:23:54):

 *Name        : simware-cmw710-boot.bin

  Version     : 7.1.070 Test 0001

  Compile time: Mar 25 2015 15:52:43

 *Name        : simware-cmw710-system.bin

  Version     : 7.1.070 Test 0001

  Compile time: Mar 25 2015 15:52:43

Table 17 Command output



Record n

Number of the startup software image upgrade record. Record 1 is the most recent record.


Software image file name.


The software image version changed during the upgrade.

Related commands

reset version-update-record

download manuinfo fan

Use download manuinfo fan to set the serial number for a fan tray.


download manuinfo slot slot-number fan fan-id serial-num serial-number


The fan trays do not have serial numbers.


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

fan fan-id: Specifies a fan tray by its ID.

serial-num serial-number: Specifies the serial number of the fan tray.

Usage guidelines

The S6520X-SI, S6520-SI, S5000-EI, and MS4600 switch series does not support setting the serial number for a fan tray.

To set the serial number for a fan tray, read the label on the fan tray for its serial number and enter the correct serial number for the command.

The display device manuinfo and display device manuinfo fan commands display NONE for the serial number and manufacturing date fields of a fan tray in the following situations:

·     The fan tray does not have a serial number configured.

·     The configured serial number is incorrect.


# Set the serial number for a fan tray.

<Sysname> system-view

[sysname] download manuinfo slot 1 fan 2 serial-num 21020000000000000000

Related commands

display device manuinfo

display device manuinfo fan

dying-gasp host

Use dying-gasp host to configure poweroff alarm destination host settings.

Use undo dying-gasp host to remove poweroff alarm destination host settings.


dying-gasp host { ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] snmp-trap version { v1 | v2c } securityname security-string

dying-gasp host { ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] syslog

undo dying-gasp host { ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { snmp-trap | syslog }


No poweroff alarm destination host settings are configured.


System view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the destination host to which the device sends the poweroff alarm.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of the destination host to which the device sends the poweroff alarm.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the destination host belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the destination host belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

snmp-trap: Uses an SNMP notification to send the poweroff alarm.

version: Specifies the SNMP version.

v1: Uses SNMPv1.

v2c: Uses SNMPv2c.

securityname security-string: Specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

syslog: Uses a log message to send the poweroff alarm.

Usage guidelines

The device can send the poweroff alarm by using either or both of an SNMP notification and a log message.

The device can send the poweroff alarm to multiple destination hosts at the same time.


# Configure the device to send the poweroff alarm to the host at by using an SNMPv1 notification. The community name is public.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] dying-gasp host snmp-trap version v1 securityname public

Related commands

display dying-gasp host

dying-gasp source

dying-gasp source

Use dying-gasp source to specify the source interface for sending the poweroff alarm.

Use undo dying-gasp source to restore the default.


dying-gasp source interface-type interface-number

undo dying-gasp source


No source interface is specified. On an IPv4 network, the device uses the primary IPv4 address of the output interface for the route to the destination host as the source address. On an IPv6 network, the device selects a source IPv6 address as defined in RFC 3484.


System view

Predefined user roles



interface-type interface-number: Specifies a Layer 3 interface. The interface-type argument specifies the interface type. The interface-number argument specifies the interface number.

Usage guidelines

The device uses the IPv6 address or primary IPv4 address of the specified source interface as the source address for outgoing poweroff alarm packets. The destination hosts use this address to identify SNMP notifications or log messages received from the device.

If no address is configured for the specified source interface, this command does not take effect. For this command to take effect, assign an address to the source interface.


# Use the Loopback 1 interface as the source interface for sending the poweroff alarm.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] dying-gasp source loopback 1

Related commands

dying-gasp host

fan prefer-direction

Use fan prefer-direction to specify the preferred airflow direction for the device.

Use undo fan prefer-direction to restore the default.


fan prefer-direction slot slot-number { port-to-power | power-to-port }

undo fan prefer-direction slot slot-number


The preferred airflow direction is from the port side to the power supply side..


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

port-to-power: Specifies the airflow direction from the port side to the power supply side.

power-to-port: Specifies the airflow direction from the power supply side to the port side.

Usage guidelines

This command is not available for the S6520X-SI, S6520-SI, S5000-EI, or MS4600 switch series.


# Set the preferred airflow direction to port-to-power for member device 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] fan prefer-direction slot 1 port-to-power

Related commands

display fan


Use header to configure a banner.

Use undo header to delete a banner.


header { legal | login | motd | shell } text

undo header { legal | login | motd | shell }


The device does not have banners.


System view

Predefined user roles



legal: Configures the banner to be displayed before a user inputs the username and password to access the CLI.

login: Configures the banner to be displayed before password or scheme authentication is performed for a login user.

motd: Configures the greeting banner to be displayed before the legal banner appears.

shell: Configures the banner to be displayed before a user accesses user view.

text: Specifies the banner message. You can enter the banner message on the same line as the keywords or on different lines. For more information, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


# Configure the legal banner.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] header legal

Please input banner content, and quit with the character '%'.

Welcome to use the legal banner%


Use job to assign a job to a schedule.

Use undo job to revoke a job.


job job-name

undo job job-name


No job is assigned to a schedule.


Schedule view

Predefined user roles



job-name: Specifies the job name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can assign multiple jobs to a schedule. The jobs in a schedule are executed concurrently.

The jobs to be assigned to a schedule must already exist. To create a job, use the scheduler job command.


# Assign job save-job to schedule saveconfig.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] job save-job

Related commands

scheduler job

scheduler schedule

locator blink

Use locator blink blink-time to start LED flashing to locate devices.

Use locator blink stop to stop LED flashing.


locator [ slot slot-number ] blink blink-time

locator [ slot slot-number ] blink stop


User view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, the command applies to all member devices.

blink-time: Specifies the flash duration in seconds. The value range is 5 to 120.

stop: Stops flashing.

Usage guidelines

The device provides a LED for device locating. The locator blink blink-time command flashes the specified LEDs quickly for a period of time unless you execute the locator blink stop command. You can observe the LEDs to locate the devices.


# Start LED flashing to locate devices.

<Sysname> locator blink 30

# Stop LED flashing.

<Sysname> locator blink stop


Use memory-threshold to set free-memory thresholds.

Use undo memory-threshold to restore the defaults.


memory-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ] [ ratio ] minor minor-value severe severe-value critical critical-value normal normal-value [ early-warning early-warning-value secure secure-value ]

undo memory-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


Minor alarm threshold: 96 MB.

Severe alarm threshold: 64 MB.

Critical alarm threshold: 48 MB.

Normal state threshold: 128 MB.

Early-warning threshold: 192 MB.

Sufficient-memory threshold: 304 MB.


System view

Predefined user roles



ratio: Specifies free-memory thresholds in percentage. If you do not specify this keyword, the command sets free-memory thresholds in MB.

minor minor-value: Specifies the minor alarm threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the minor-value argument. Setting this threshold to 0 disables the minor alarm feature.

severe severe-value: Specifies the severe alarm threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the severe-value argument. Setting this threshold to 0 disables the severe alarm feature.

critical critical-value: Specifies the critical alarm threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the critical-value argument. Setting this threshold to 0 disables the critical alarm feature.

normal normal-value: Specifies the normal state threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the normal-value argument.

early-warning early-warning-value: Specifies the early-warning threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the early-warning-value argument. Setting this threshold to 0 disables the early warning feature.

secure secure-value: Specifies the sufficient-memory threshold. To view the value range for this threshold, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the secure-value argument.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets free-memory thresholds for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

To ensure correct operation and improve memory efficiency, the system monitors the amount of free memory space in real time. If the amount of free memory space decreases to or below the minor, severe, or critical alarm threshold, the system issues an alarm to affected service modules or processes.

You can use the display memory command to display memory usage information.

The early warning feature warns you of an approaching insufficient-memory condition.

If a memory alarm occurs, delete unused configuration items or disable some features to increase the free memory space. Because the memory space is insufficient, some configuration items might not be able to be deleted.

For more information about the thresholds, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.


# Set the minor alarm, severe alarm, critical alarm, and normal state thresholds to 64 MB, 48 MB, 32 MB, and 96 MB, respectively.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] memory-threshold minor 64 severe 48 critical 32 normal 96

# Set the minor alarm, severe alarm, critical alarm, and normal state thresholds to 3%, 2%, 1%, and 5% of the total memory size, respectively.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] memory-threshold ratio minor 3 severe 2 critical 1 normal 5

Related commands

display memory-threshold

memory-threshold usage

Use memory-threshold usage to set the memory usage threshold.

Use undo memory-threshold usage to restore the default.


memory-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ] usage memory-threshold

undo memory-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ] usage


The memory usage threshold is 100%.


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets the memory usage threshold for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

memory-threshold: Specifies the memory usage threshold in percentage. The value range is 0 to 100.

Usage guidelines

The device samples memory usage at 1-minute intervals. If the sample is greater than the memory usage threshold, the device sends a trap.


# Set the memory usage threshold to 80%.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] memory-threshold usage 80

Related commands

display memory-threshold

monitor cpu-usage enable

Use monitor cpu-usage enable to enable CPU usage monitoring.

Use undo monitor cpu-usage enable to disable CPU usage monitoring.


monitor cpu-usage enable [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]

undo monitor cpu-usage enable [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


CPU usage monitoring is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command enables CPU usage monitoring for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

After CPU usage monitoring is enabled, the system samples and saves CPU usage at the interval specified by the monitor cpu-usage interval command. You can use the display cpu-usage history command to view recent CPU usage.


# Enable CPU usage monitoring.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor cpu-usage enable

Related commands

display cpu-usage configuration

display cpu-usage history

monitor cpu-usage interval

monitor cpu-usage interval

Use monitor cpu-usage interval to set the sampling interval for CPU usage monitoring.

Use undo monitor cpu-usage interval to restore the default.


monitor cpu-usage interval interval [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]

undo monitor cpu-usage interval [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


The system samples CPU usage every 1 minute.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the sampling interval for CPU usage monitoring. Valid values include 5Sec (5 seconds), 1Min (1 minute), and 5Min (5 minutes), case insensitive.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets the interval for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

After CPU usage monitoring is enabled, the system samples and saves CPU usage at the specified interval. You can use the display cpu-usage history command to view recent CPU usage.


# Set the sampling interval for CPU usage monitoring to 5 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor cpu-usage interval 5Sec

Related commands

display cpu-usage configuration

display cpu-usage history

monitor cpu-usage enable

monitor cpu-usage logging interval

Use monitor cpu-usage logging interval to enable periodic CPU usage logging.

Use undo monitor cpu-usage logging interval to disable periodic CPU usage logging.


monitor cpu-usage logging interval interval-time

undo monitor cpu-usage logging interval


Periodic CPU usage logging is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval interval-time: Specifies the logging interval in seconds, a multiple of five in the range of 5 to 300.


# Enable periodic CPU usage logging and set the logging interval to 60 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor cpu-usage logging interval 60

monitor cpu-usage threshold

Use monitor cpu-usage threshold to set CPU usage alarm thresholds.

Use undo monitor cpu-usage threshold to restore the default.


monitor cpu-usage threshold severe-threshold  minor-threshold minor-threshold recovery-threshold recovery-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]

undo monitor cpu-usage threshold minor-threshold recovery-threshold [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


The minor CPU usage alarm threshold is 80%, the severe CPU usage alarm threshold is 99%, and the CPU usage recovery threshold is 60%.


System view

Predefined user roles



severe-threshold: Specifies the severe CPU usage alarm threshold in percentage. The value range for this argument is 2 to 100.

minor-threshold minor-threshold: Specifies the minor CPU usage alarm threshold in percentage. The value range for this argument is 1 to the severe CPU usage alarm threshold minus 1.

recovery-threshold recovery-threshold: Specifies the CPU usage recovery threshold in percentage. The value range for this argument is 1 to the minor CPU usage alarm threshold minus 1. This option is supported only in Release 6515P06 and later.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets the CPU usage threshold for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines



If you set the severe CPU usage alarm threshold to a too low value, the device will reach the threshold easily. Normal services will be affected.


The device samples CPU usage at 1-minute intervals. If the sample is greater than the CPU usage threshold, the device sends a trap.


# Set the severe CPU usage alarm threshold to 90%, minor CPU usage alarm threshold to 80%, and CPU usage recovery threshold to 70%.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor cpu-usage threshold 90 minor-threshold 80 recovery-threshold 70

Related commands

display cpu-usage configuration

monitor memory-usage logging interval

Use monitor memory-usage logging interval to enable periodic memory usage logging.

Use undo monitor memory-usage logging interval to disable periodic memory usage logging.


monitor memory-usage logging interval interval-time

undo monitor memory-usage logging interval


Periodic memory usage logging is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval interval-time: Specifies the logging interval in seconds, a multiple of five in the range of 5 to 300.


# Enable periodic memory usage logging and set the logging interval to 60 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor memory-usage logging interval 60

monitor resend cpu-usage

Use monitor resend cpu-usage to set CPU usage alarm resending intervals.

Use undo monitor resend cpu-usage to restore the default.


monitor resend cpu-usage { minor-interval minor-interval | severe-interval severe-interval } * [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]

undo monitor resend cpu-usage [ minor-interval | severe-interval ] [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


The minor alarm resending interval is 300 seconds. The severe alarm resending interval is 60 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



minor-interval minor-interval: Specifies the minor alarm resending interval in seconds, a multiple of five in the range of 10 to 3600.

severe-interval severe-interval: Specifies the severe alarm resending interval in seconds, a multiple of five in the range of 10 to 3600.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets alarm resending intervals for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

The device samples CPU usage periodically and compares the sample with the CPU usage threshold. If the sample increases above an alarm threshold, the CPU usage enters an alarm state and the device sends an alarm.

While the CPU usage is in minor alarm state, the device sends minor alarms periodically until the CPU usage increases above the severe threshold or the minor alarm is removed.

While the CPU usage is in severe alarm state, the device sends severe alarms periodically until the severe alarm is removed.

You can use this command to change CPU usage alarm resending intervals.

If you do not specify the minor-interval or severe-interval keyword, the undo monitor resend cpu-usage command restores default settings for both the minor and severe alarm resending intervals.


# Set the CPU usage minor alarm resending interval to 60 seconds for CPU 0 in slot 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor resend cpu-usage minor-interval 60 slot 1 cpu 0

monitor resend memory-threshold

Use monitor resend memory-threshold to set memory depletion alarm resending intervals.

Use undo monitor resend memory-threshold to restore the default.


monitor resend memory-threshold { critical-interval critical-interval | early-warning-interval early-warning-interval | minor-interval minor-interval | severe-interval severe-interval } * [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]

undo monitor resend memory-threshold [ critical-interval | early-warning-interval | minor-interval | severe-interval ] * [ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ]


·     Early warning resending interval: 1 hour.

·     Minor alarm resending interval: 12 hours.

·     Severe alarm resending interval: 3 hours.

·     Critical alarm resending interval: 1 hour.


System view

Predefined user roles



critical-interval critical-interval: Specifies the critical alarm resending interval in hours, in the range of 1 to 48.

early-warning-interval early-warning-interval: Specifies the early warning resending interval in hours, in the range of 1 to 48.

minor-interval minor-interval: Specifies the minor alarm resending interval in hours, in the range of 1 to 48.

severe-interval severe-interval: Specifies the severe alarm resending interval in hours, in the range of 1 to 48.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command sets alarm resending intervals for the master device.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

Usage guidelines

The device samples the amount of free memory space periodically and compares the sample with free-memory thresholds. If the sample decreases to or below a threshold, the device enters a memory depletion alarm state and sends an alarm.

In critical alarm state, the device sends critical alarm notifications periodically until the critical alarm is removed.

In a lower alarm state, the device sends notifications for the alarm state periodically until it enters a higher alarm state or the current alarm is removed.

You can use this command to change the alarm resending intervals.

If you do not specify any memory depletion alarm resending intervals, the undo monitor resend memory-threshold command restores default settings for all memory depletion alarm resending intervals.


# Set the minor memory depletion alarm resending interval to 12 hours for CPU 0 in slot 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] monitor resend memory-threshold minor-interval 12 slot 1 cpu 0

parity-error monitor log enable

Use parity-error monitor log enable to enable parity error logging for entries on forwarding chips.

Use undo parity-error monitor log enable to disable parity error logging for entries on forwarding chips.


parity-error monitor log enable

undo parity-error monitor log enable


Parity error logging is disabled for entries on forwarding chips.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The device detects parity errors in entries on forwarding chips. The parity error logging feature collects parity error statistics periodically and generates log messages as defined.


# Enable parity error logging for entries on forwarding chips.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] parity-error monitor log enable

parity-error monitor period

Use parity-error monitor period to set the parity error statistics period for entries on forwarding chips.

Use undo parity-error monitor period to restore the default.


parity-error monitor period value

undo parity-error monitor period


The parity error statistics period is 60 seconds for entries on forwarding chips.


System view


value: Specifies the parity error statistics period in seconds, in the range of 1 to 86400.

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The device detects parity errors in entries on forwarding chips. The parity error logging feature collects parity error statistics periodically. This command sets the statistics period.


# Set the parity error statistics period to 120 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] parity-error monitor period 120

Related commands

parity-error monitor threshold

parity-error monitor threshold

Use parity-error monitor threshold to set the parity error logging threshold for entries on forwarding chips.

Use undo parity-error monitor threshold to restore the default.


parity-error monitor threshold value

undo parity-error monitor threshold


The parity error logging threshold is 5000 for entries on forwarding chips.


System view


value: Specifies the parity error logging threshold for entries on forwarding chips, in the range of 1 to 1000000.

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The device detects parity errors in entries on forwarding chips. The parity error logging feature collects parity error statistics periodically, and generates a log message if the number of parity errors exceeds the logging threshold. This command sets the logging threshold.


# Set the parity error logging threshold to 8000 for entries on forwarding chips.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] parity-error monitor threshold 8000

Related commands

parity-error monitor period

password-recovery enable

Use password-recovery enable to enable password recovery capability.

Use undo password-recovery enable to disable password recovery capability.


password-recovery enable

undo password-recovery enable


Password recovery capability is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Password recovery capability controls console user access to the device configuration and SDRAM from BootWare menus.

If password recovery capability is enabled, a console user can access the device configuration without authentication to configure new passwords.

If password recovery capability is disabled, console users must restore the factory-default configuration before they can configure new passwords. Restoring the factory-default configuration deletes the next-startup configuration files.

To enhance system security, disable password recovery capability.

Availability of BootWare menu options depends on the password recovery capability setting. For more information, see the release notes.


# Disable password recovery capability.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] undo password-recovery enable


Use reboot to reboot the device.


reboot [ slot slot-number ] [ force ]


User view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify an IRF member device, the command reboots all IRF member devices.

force: Reboots the device immediately without performing software or hard disk check. If this keyword is not specified, the system first identifies whether the reboot might result in data loss or a system failure. For example, the system identifies whether the main system software image file exists and whether a write operation is in progress on a storage medium. If the reboot might cause problems, the system does not reboot the device.

Usage guidelines



·     A reboot might interrupt network services.

·     Use the force keyword only when the device fails or a reboot command without the force keyword cannot perform a reboot correctly. A reboot command with the force keyword might result in file system corruption because it does not perform data protection.

If the main startup software images are corrupt or missing, you must re-specify a set of main startup software images before executing the reboot command.

For data security, the device does not reboot if you reboot the device while the device is performing file operations.

If the IRF fabric has only one member device, rebooting the member device reboots the entire IRF fabric. If the IRF fabric has a subordinate member and the member is operating correctly, rebooting the master triggers a master/subordinate switchover.

To ensure correct operation of the IRF fabric and member devices, do not trigger a switchover by rebooting the master if no subordinate member devices are in Stable state. To view the status of subordinate member devices, execute the display system stable state command.


# Reboot the device. Save the running configuration at prompt.

<Sysname> reboot

Start to check configuration with next startup configuration file, please wait.........DONE!

Current configuration will be lost after the reboot, save current configuration? [Y/N]:y

Please input the file name(*.cfg)[flash:/startup.cfg]

(To leave the existing filename unchanged, press the enter key):

flash:/startup.cfg exists, overwrite? [Y/N]:y

Validating file. Please wait...

Configuration is saved to mainboard device successfully.

This command will reboot the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now rebooting, please wait...

# Reboot the device immediately without performing software check.

<Sysname> reboot force

A forced reboot might cause the storage medium to be corrupted. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Now rebooting, please wait...

Related commands

display system stable state

reset scheduler logfile

Use reset scheduler logfile to clear job execution log information.


reset scheduler logfile


User view

Predefined user roles



# Clear job execution log information.

<Sysname> reset scheduler logfile

Related commands

display scheduler logfile

reset version-update-record

Use reset version-update-record to clear startup software image upgrade records.


reset version-update-record


System view

Predefined user roles



# Clear the startup software image upgrade records.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] reset version-update-record

This command will delete all records of version update. Continue? [Y/N]:y

Related commands

display version-update-record

resource-monitor minor resend enable

Use resource-monitor minor resend enable to enable resending of minor resource depletion alarms.

Use undo resource-monitor minor resend enable to disable resending of minor resource depletion alarms.


resource-monitor minor resend enable

undo resource-monitor minor resend enable


Resending of minor resource depletion alarms is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

When a resource type enters minor alarm state, the device issues a minor alarm. If the resource type stays in minor alarm state or changes from severe alarm state to minor alarm state, the device identifies whether resending of minor resource depletion alarms is enabled. If the feature is disabled, the device does not issue additional minor alarms. If the feature is enabled, the device resends minor alarms periodically.

The resending period is fixed at 24 hours for a severe alarm and is fixed at 7 * 24 hours for a minor alarm.


# Enable resending of minor resource depletion alarms.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] resource-monitor minor resend enable

Related commands

display resource-monitor

resource-monitor output

resource-monitor resource

resource-monitor output

Use resource-monitor output to specify destinations for resource depletion alarms.

Use undo resource-monitor output to remove destinations for resource depletion alarms.


resource-monitor output { netconf-event | snmp-notification | syslog } *

undo resource-monitor output [ netconf-event | snmp-notification | syslog ] *


Resource depletion alarms are sent to NETCONF, SNMP, and the information center.


System view

Predefined user roles



netconf-event: Sends resource depletion alarms to the NETCONF feature to encapsulate the alarms in NETCONF events. For more information, see NETCONF in Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

snmp-notification: Sends resource depletion alarms to the SNMP feature to encapsulate the alarms in SNMP traps and informs. For more information, see SNMP in Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

syslog: Sends resource depletion alarms to the information center to encapsulate the alarms in log messages. For more information, see information center in Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any keywords for the undo resource-monitor output command, the command disables resource depletion alarm output.


# Specify the information center module as the output destination for resource depletion alarms.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] resource-monitor output syslog

Related commands

resource-monitor minor resend enable

resource-monitor resource

resource-monitor resource

Use resource-monitor resource to set resource depletion thresholds.

Use undo resource-monitor resource to disable resource depletion thresholds.


resource-monitor resource resource-name slot slot-number cpu cpu-number  by-percent  minor-threshold minor-threshold severe-threshold severe-threshold

undo resource-monitor resource resource-name slot slot-number cpu cpu-number


The default settings vary by resource type. Use the display resource-monitor command to display the resource depletion thresholds.


System view

Predefined user roles



resource-name: Specifies a resource type by its name. The values for this argument are case insensitive and cannot be abbreviated. Table 18 shows the resource types that can be monitored.

Table 18 Resource types that can be monitored

Resource type



Ethernet service instances.


Aggregation group resources.


ARP resources.


Resources for IPv6 routes with a prefix length of 65 to 127 bits.


Resources for IPv6 routes with a prefix length of 0 to 64 bits.


MAC address table resources.


Inbound MQC resources.


Outbound MQC resources.


ND resources.


Next-hop pool resources for the underlay network.


OpenFlow resources.


PBR resources.


Inbound packet filter resources.


Outbound packet filter resources.


Routing resources.


Layer 3 Ethernet interface resources.


VLAN interface resources.


VPN instance resources.




VSI interface resources.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

cpu cpu-number: Specifies a CPU by its number.

by-percent: Specifies resource depletion thresholds in percentage.

minor-threshold minor-threshold: Specifies the minor resource depletion threshold. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the minor-threshold argument.

severe-threshold severe-threshold: Specifies the severe resource depletion threshold. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of the severe-threshold argument.

Usage guidelines

After you execute this command for a resource type, the device monitors the available amount of the type of resources. The device samples the available amount at intervals, compares the sample with the resource depletion thresholds to identify the resource depletion status, and sends alarms as configured.


# Set the minor resource depletion threshold to 30% and the severe resource depletion threshold to 10% for ARP entry resources on slot 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] resource-monitor resource arp slot 1 cpu 0 by-percent minor-threshold 30 severe-threshold 10

Related commands

display resource-monitor

resource-monitor minor resend enable

resource-monitor output

restore factory-default

Use restore factory-default to restore the factory-default configuration for the device.


restore factory-default


User view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines



This command restores the device to the factory default settings. Before using this command, make sure you fully understand its impact on your live network.


Use this command only when you cannot troubleshoot the device by using other methods, or you want to use the device in a different scenario.


# Restore the factory-default configuration for the device.

<Sysname> restore factory-default

This command will restore the system to the factory default configuration and clear the operation data. Continue [Y/N]:y

Restoring the factory default configuration. This process might take a few minutes. Please wait..........................................................................................................Done.

Please reboot the system to place the factory default configuration into effect.

Related commands


scheduler job

Use scheduler job to create a job and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing job.

Use undo scheduler job to delete a job.


scheduler job job-name

undo scheduler job job-name


No job exists.


System view

Predefined user roles



job-name: Specifies the job name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters.

Usage guidelines

A job can be referenced by multiple schedules. In job view, you can assign commands to the job.


# Create a job named backupconfig and enter job view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler job backupconfig


Related commands


scheduler schedule

scheduler logfile size

Use scheduler logfile size to set the size of the job execution log file.


scheduler logfile size value


The size of the job execution log file is 16 KB.


System view

Predefined user roles



value: Specifies the size of the job execution log file, in KB. The value range is 16 to 1024.

Usage guidelines

The job execution log file saves the execution information of jobs. If the file is full, old records are deleted to make room for new records. If the size of the log information to be written to the file is greater than the file size, the excessive information is not written to the file.


# Set the size of the job execution log file to 32 KB.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler logfile size 32

Related commands

display scheduler logfile

scheduler reboot at

Use scheduler reboot at to specify the reboot date and time.

Use undo scheduler reboot to delete the reboot schedule configuration.


scheduler reboot at time [ date ]

undo scheduler reboot


No reboot date or time is specified.


User view

Predefined user roles



time: Specifies the reboot time in the hh:mm format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59.

date: Specifies the reboot date in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. The value range for YYYY is 2000 to 2035. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month.

Usage guidelines



This command reboots the device at the specified time and interrupts network services. Make sure you understand its impact on the live network before executing the command.

When the date argument is not specified, the system uses the following rules to determine the reboot time:

·     If the reboot time is later than the current time, a reboot occurs at the reboot time of the current day.

·     If the reboot time is earlier than the current time, a reboot occurs at the reboot time the next day.

The device supports only one device reboot schedule. If you execute both the scheduler reboot delay and scheduler reboot at commands or execute one of the commands multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

For data security, the system does not reboot at the reboot time if a file operation is being performed.


# Configure the device to reboot at 12:00 p.m. This example assumes that the current time is 11:43 a.m. on June 6, 2015.

<Sysname> scheduler reboot at 12:00

Reboot system at 12:00:00 06/06/2015 (in 0 hours and 16 minutes). Confirm? [Y/N]:

Related commands

scheduler reboot delay

scheduler reboot delay

Use scheduler reboot delay to specify the reboot delay time.

Use undo scheduler reboot to delete the reboot schedule configuration.


scheduler reboot delay time

undo scheduler reboot


No reboot delay time is specified.


User view

Predefined user roles



time: Specifies the reboot delay time in the hh:mm or mm format. This argument can contain up to six characters. When in the hh:mm format, mm must be in the range of 0 to 59.

Usage guidelines



This command reboots the device after the specified delay time and interrupts network services. Make sure you understand its impact on the live network before executing the command.

The device supports only one device reboot schedule. If you execute both the scheduler reboot delay and schedule reboot at commands or execute one of the commands multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

For data security, the system does not reboot at the reboot time if a file operation is being performed.


# Configure the device to reboot after 88 minutes. This example assumes that the current time is 11:48 a.m. on June 6, 2015.

<Sysname> scheduler reboot delay 88

Reboot system at 13:16 06/06/2015(in 1 hours and 28 minutes). Confirm? [Y/N]:

scheduler schedule

Use scheduler schedule to create a schedule and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing schedule.

Use undo scheduler schedule to delete a schedule.


scheduler schedule schedule-name

undo scheduler schedule schedule-name


No schedule exists.


System view

Predefined user roles



schedule-name: Specifies the schedule name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can configure a schedule to have the device automatically run a command or a set of commands without administrative interference.

To configure a schedule:

1.     Use the scheduler job command to create a job and enter job view.

2.     Use the command command to assign commands to the job.

3.     Use the scheduler schedule command to create a schedule and enter schedule view.

4.     Use the job command to assign the job to the schedule. You can assign multiple jobs to a schedule. The jobs must already exist.

5.     Use the user-role command to assign user roles to the schedule. You can assign up to 64 user roles to a schedule.

6.     Use the time at, time once, or time repeating command to specify an execution time for the schedule. You can specify only one execution time for a schedule.


# Create a schedule named saveconfig.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

Related commands


time at

time once


Use shutdown-interval to set the port status detection timer.

Use undo shutdown-interval to restore the default.


shutdown-interval interval

undo shutdown-interval


The port status detection timer setting is 30 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the port status detection timer value in seconds. The value range is 0 to 300. To disable port status detection, set this argument to 0.

Usage guidelines

The device starts a port status detection timer when a port is shut down by a protocol. Once the timer expires, the device brings up the port so the port status reflects the port's physical status.

If you change the timer setting during port detection, the device compares the new setting (T1) with the time that elapsed since the port was shut down (T).

If T < T1, the port will be brought up after T1 – T seconds.

If T ≥ T1, the port is brought up immediately.

For example, the timer setting is 30 seconds. If you change it to 10 seconds 2 seconds after the port is shut down, the port will come up 8 seconds later. If you change the timer setting to 2 seconds 10 seconds after the port is shut down, the port comes up immediately.


# Set the port status detection timer to 100 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] shutdown-interval 100


Use switch-mode to specify an operating mode for the device.


switch-mode { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }


The device operates in standard mode.


System view

Predefined user roles



0: Specifies the standard mode.

1: Specifies the VXLAN mode.

2: Specifies the 802.1BR mode.

3: Specifies the MPLS mode.

4: Specifies the MPLS-IRF mode.

Usage guidelines

Change to the operating mode takes effect after you reboot the device.


# Set the operating mode to VXLAN mode for the device.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] switch-mode 1

Reboot device to make the configuration take effect.

Related commands

display switch-mode status


Use sysname to set the device name.

Use undo sysname to restore the default.


sysname sysname

undo sysname


The device name is H3C.


System view

Predefined user roles



sysname: Specifies a name for the device, a string of 1 to 64 characters.

Usage guidelines

A device name identifies a device in a network and is used in CLI view prompts. For example, if the device name is Sysname, the user view prompt is <Sysname>.


# Set the name of the device to R2000.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] sysname R2000



Use temperature-limit to set the temperature alarm thresholds.

Use undo temperature-limit to restore the default.


temperature-limit slot slot-number hotspot sensor-number lowlimit warninglimit [ alarmlimit ]

undo temperature-limit slot slot-number hotspot sensor-number


The defaults vary by temperature sensor model. To view the defaults, execute the undo temperature-limit and display environment commands in turn.


System view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

hotspot: Configures temperature alarm thresholds for hotspot sensors. A hotspot sensor is typically located near a high-heat chip to monitor the chip temperature.

sensor-number: Specifies a sensor by its number. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of this argument.

lowlimit: Specifies the low-temperature threshold in Celsius degrees. The value range varies by temperature sensor. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of this argument.

warninglimit: Specifies the high-temperature warning threshold in Celsius degrees. This threshold must be greater than the low-temperature threshold. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of this argument.

alarmlimit: Specifies the high-temperature alarming threshold in Celsius degrees. This threshold must be greater than the warning threshold. To view the value range, enter a question mark (?) in the place of this argument.

Usage guidelines

When the device temperature drops below the low-temperature threshold or reaches the high-temperature warning or alarming threshold, the device performs the following operations:

·     Sends log messages and traps.

·     Sets LEDs on the device panel.


# Set temperature alarm thresholds for hotspot sensor 1 in a slot.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] temperature-limit slot 1 hotspot 1 -10 50 60

Related commands

display environment

time at

Use time at to specify an execution date and time for a non-periodic schedule.

Use undo time to delete the execution date and time configuration for a non-periodic schedule.


time at time date

undo time


No execution time or date is specified for a non-periodic schedule.


Schedule view

Predefined user roles



time: Specifies the schedule execution time in the hh:mm format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59.

date: Specifies the schedule execution date in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. The value range for YYYY is 2000 to 2035. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month.

Usage guidelines

The specified time (date plus time) must be later than the current system time.

The time at command, the time once command, and the time repeating command overwrite one another. The most recently executed command takes effect.


# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 01:01 a.m. on May 11, 2015.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time at 1:1 2015/05/11

Related commands

scheduler schedule

time once

Use time once to specify one or more execution days and the execution time for a non-periodic schedule.

Use undo time to delete the execution day and time configuration for a non-periodic schedule.


time once at time [ month-date month-day | week-day week-day&<1-7> ]

time once delay time

undo time


No execution time or day is specified for a non-periodic schedule.


Schedule view

Predefined user roles



at time: Specifies the execution time in the hh:mm format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59.

month-date month-day: Specifies a day in the current month, in the range of 1 to 31. If you specify a day that does not exist in the current month, the configuration takes effect on that day in the next month.

week-day week-day&<1-7>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven week days for the schedule. Valid week day values include Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun.

delay time: Specifies the delay time for executing the schedule, in the hh:mm or mm format. This argument can have up to six characters. When in the hh:mm format, mm must be in the range of 0 to 59.

Usage guidelines

If the specified time has already occurred, the schedule will be executed at the specified time the following day.

If the day in the month has already occurred, the schedule will be executed at the specified day in the following month.

If the specified day in a week has already occurred, the schedule will be executed at the specified day in the following week.

The time at command, the time once command, and the time repeating command overwrite one another. The most recently executed command takes effect.


# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig once at 15:00.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time once at 15:00

Schedule starts at 15:00 5/11/2011.

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig once at 15:00 on the coming 15th day in a month.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time once at 15:00 month-date 15

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 12:00 p.m. on the coming Monday and Friday.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time once at 12:00 week-day mon fri

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig after 10 minutes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time once delay 10

Related commands

scheduler schedule

time repeating

Use time repeating to specify an execution time table for a periodic schedule.

Use undo time to delete the execution time table configuration for a periodic schedule.


time repeating [ at time [ date ] ] interval interval

time repeating at time [ month-date [ month-day | last ] | week-day week-day&<1-7> ]

undo time


No execution time table is specified for a periodic schedule.


Schedule view

Predefined user roles



at time: Specifies the execution time in the hh:mm format. The value range for hh is 0 to 23. The value range for mm is 0 to 59. If you do not specify this option, the current system time is used as the execution time.

date: Specifies the start date for the periodic schedule, in the MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format. The value range for YYYY is 2000 to 2035. The value range for MM is 1 to 12. The value range for DD varies by month. If you do not specify this argument, the execution start date is the first day when the specified time arrives.

interval interval: Specifies the execution time interval in the hh:mm or mm format. This argument can have up to six characters. When in the hh:mm format, mm must be in the range of 0 to 59. When in the mm format, this argument must be equal to or greater than 1 minute.

month-date [ month-day | last ]: Specifies a day in a month, in the range 1 to 31. The last keyword indicates the last day of a month. If you specify a day that does not exist in a month, the configuration takes effect on that day in the next month.

week-day week-day&<1-7>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven week days for the schedule. Valid week day values include Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun.

Usage guidelines

The time repeating [ at time [ date ] ] interval interval command configures the device to execute a schedule at intervals from the specified time on.

The time repeating at time [ month-date [ month-day | last ] | week-day week-day&<1-7> ] command configures the device to execute a schedule at the specified time on every specified day in a month or week.

The time at command, the time once command, and the time repeating command overwrite one another, whichever is used most recently takes effect.


# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig once an hour from 8:00 a.m. on.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time repeating at 8:00 interval 60

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 12:00 p.m. every day.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time repeating at 12:00

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 8:00 a.m. on the 5th of every month.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time repeating at 8:00 month-date 5

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 8:00 a.m. on the last day of every month.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time repeating at 8:00 month-date last

# Configure the device to execute schedule saveconfig at 8:00 a.m. every Friday and Saturday.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule saveconfig

[Sysname-schedule-saveconfig] time repeating at 8:00 week-day fri sat

Related commands

scheduler schedule

usb disable

Use usb disable to disable USB interfaces.

Use undo usb disable to enable USB interfaces.


usb disable

undo usb disable


All USB interfaces are enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You can use USB interfaces to upload or download files. By default, all USB interfaces are enabled.

Before executing this command, use the umount command to unmount all USB file systems.


# Enable USB interfaces.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] undo usb disable


Use user-role to assign user roles to a schedule.

Use undo user-role to remove user roles from a schedule.


user-role role-name

undo user-role role-name


A schedule has the user roles of the schedule creator.


Schedule view

Predefined user roles



role-name: Specifies a user role name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters. The user role can be user-defined or predefined. Predefined user roles include network-admin, network-operator, and level-0 to level-15.

Usage guidelines

A schedule must have one or more user roles. A command in a schedule can be executed if it is permitted by one or more user roles of the schedule. For more information about user roles, see the RBAC configuration in Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

A schedule can have a maximum of 64 user roles. After the limit is reached, you cannot assign additional user roles to the schedule.


# Assign user role rolename to schedule test.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] scheduler schedule test

[Sysname-schedule-test] user-role rolename

Related commands


scheduler schedule


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